@96augment I just didn't care for it. I thought it was clunky and most of the guns were next to useless (when you shotgun someone in the head at point blank range they should die, not keep attacking you)... But then, if we all liked the same thing the world would be a very boring place.
Borderlands 2 was crap as well... It's just an endless trawl through a bland world filled with blander characters, crap vehicle's, poor controls and guns that manage to be worse that the previous one you owned... Sega should have got another development company to make Aliens: Colonial Marines.
Being a gamer that started off with a ZX81 and a Commodore 64, some of the best games I've ever played looked absolutely awful. So I don't think fancy graphics are all that necessary if the gameplay is good. I still play Frontier; Elite 2 through emulation. By today's standards the graphics are awful, but the games scope is what keeps me coming back.
@Orbitz89 I agree! PS3 gamers are always bitching at Xbox gamers, and vice versa, and PC gamers just like to bitch at everyone just because they have better graphics... Enjoy the games for what they are... Console gamers don't care if you can play at 100'sFPS at a rediculously high resolution and PC gamers don't care that your console has the latest exclusive... Just give it a rest.
I wish Bioware would get the rights to Star Trek so we can have a proper Star Trek RPG with some depth to it and not just a crappy shooter or limited space sim.
Decent racer, but again it's spoiled by silly bugs (this time in the weather system), and it only really seems to work on short races (25% or lower). Why don't reviewers ever mention the bugs in a game these days?
Anyone notice how all the Sony games were referred to as pretty much crap (and TBH some of them were) but O'Dwyer says that the Codemasters games were some of the best F1 games ever made and didn't pick up on the bugs in both F1 2010 and F1 2011, and also didn't mention the poor handling of the first two games and the poor damage model... Glorified advert for F1 2012. Poor journalism.
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