@Thanatos2k: PUBG is a twitch shooter in the early and late game, the mid game it's more like a Battlefield/strategy shooter. You need 60fps to really enjoy this game. Luckily PC owners have it. Xbox is a joke.
@cboy95: One X means nothing because it's the same as regular Xbox One in capability. Don't be an elitist and expect an exclusive game to come out on the same console generation and leave other One owners behind.
Right now Nier Automata is only on PC and PS4. It's an awesome game though, one of the best of the year. Up there with BOTW, Persona 5, and Horizon ZD.
@xhawk27: Apparently you don't know how Moore's Law works. PS5/next-gen will absolutely be in the 10 TFLOPS range and cost around $400. Coming fall 2019 or 2020.
@legendaryh1tman: What do you mean not at all this gen started 2013, that's a 6 year window which is almost dead on what all previous gens have been. Since there was a mid-gen bump this time I'd say pus that to 7 years and call it fall/2020 for PS5 next gen.
@hardcoregamer1: They should really focus on 1440p/120fps for next gen for FPS/racing games, and 1440p/60fps for everything else. 10 TFLOPS should do that nicely.
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