@DiverseGamer Yeah. Funny game. I remember the Giant Bomb community game top ten list stats that year showed that not everybody had Dark Souls in their top 10, but those that did consistently had it slotted in at #1 or #2.
It's not for everyone, but those who do like it, LOVE it.
@RicanV @plaintomato Yeah. I'm gonna buy a PS4. My point was, in that scenario I buy games for ME on the PS4, and on the X1 I buy games for me, and the kids, anything with split screen, movies for the family, watch TV, etc...I actually don't think that's a win for Sony.
We'll see though. Like I said, there's no need for a day 1 decision.
Between the 1000 hours or so you could probably expect get out of GTA V & Dark Souls 2, I can afford to wait and see.
For all the fanboy momentum behind the PS4, the X1 has some cool stuff going on. Chances are I'll end up with an X1 in the living room and a PS4 in the man-cave. I'm not sure that's a win for Sony. But hey, with the quality of the games closing out the current gen, what do I care, it'll probably be holiday 2014 before I'm even thinking about which to buy first.
@jonnybutler11 You've got a point. With the huge growth of the industry it's not like it was in the early days of PS2 where there were only so many good titles. More good games means less time, and zero interest, in mediocre games.
Plenty of good games have suffered for that too. And plenty of games just trying to imitate the money makers have shown up too. Remember Medal of Honor? How about Homefront? Yeah, neither do I.
@starfox15 @CaptainHerlock And some of us are choosy gamers with limited time.
My Steam account is loaded with games I'll never play that looked semi-interesting and were 75% off so somehow they got bought. But I've come to realize I'll never touch them and I just don't buy games anymore without a high level of confidence that I'm going to love it.
Sometimes it's a great B-Game like the Test Drive Unlimited and Condemned games, sometimes it's a great indy or arcade like Outland or Shadow Complex, but usually its full price title like GTA, Dark Souls, Portal 2 or TLOU.
Some of those I've bought multiple times for multiple systems, but I just don't have time to game for the sake of gaming, it's gotta pull me in.
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