@Simulator_Shock So unfortunate for Blizzard that they still have as many subscribers, all these years later, as it would take to call a game a mega-hit blockbuster just based on retail sales alone.
I'm not a WoW fan, but that money train is still rolling fast and when it stops all they have to do is say "World of Starcraft" and in rolls the new money.
@pa_amb_tomaquet @ninjaroach81 @plaintomato @JumpyLuweegee2 Yeah. It's really just a toss up at this point. Depends on how much you care about which exclusives and whether you want the Kinect tech or a touch pad.
@pa_amb_tomaquet @plaintomato @JumpyLuweegee2 Do the math. Any variance will depend on OS optimization and I'd be willing to bet M$ has more experience in that department.
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