@lildozer74 @plaintomato Putting Forza and tracks into an open world setting was an amazing idea. Then they made the world not open (invisibile walls anyone?) and the game not Forza (crazy taxi anyone?), and took out the integration between single and multi that the whole concept is geared towards.
What the crap were they thinking? But at least they tried. Codemasters isn't even trying.
Yay. Another trimmed down formulaic track racer. They keep splitting their content up between multiple franchises and I keep not buying their games. How does this regurgitated crap keep coming?
So annoyed and disappointed with this genre. Will someone please make a racing game worth getting excited about?
Touch face, light on top, audio, whatever. Did they fix the triggers? Or will devs have to continue to avoid the triggers at all costs, mapping "fire" to the shoulder buttons lol.
Sony couldn't be bothered to fix them over the last 7 years...is a whole new generation what they were holding out for?
@Kane04 I'm late back to the conversation, but to help educate you: people buy consoles just as much, if not more, because of the plug and play simplicity rather then a tight budget. And since tech relies on early adopters, they rely heavily on those with both money and internet to kick off. Upgrading video cards is just not something most people care to do, and I promise chasing after broke-ass gamers who don't have internet and don't buy new release games isn't the MS/Sony master-plan.
As far as needing a Steam account and having to play on Steam...just replace "Steam" with "Xbox" and you'll see the pointlessness of that pointless point. Also, you might be interested to know that Android is not an OS for mobile devices. It's an OS that got its start on mobile devices - and succeeded very quickly. It's a fact of life that Android on high end systems is on the way.
ugh. a 9 year wait for old tech that will flush all of your owned content down the drain...
so is gaming not part of the tech industry anymore? i wouldn't mind the focus on early hardware profitability so much if the hardware cycles were shorter and full backwards compatibility was a forgone conclusion. but it isn't so.
They need to emulate phones to succeed - shorter cycles, subsidized hardware, and full compatibility. Who is willing to wait 8 years for updated tech and throw out all past content purchases every generation anymore?
This is the last generation for long cycle consoles. Android and Steam will see to that.
I'll probably still buy a new console eventually, but you can bet when there's an option - meaning it's available on PC, your PC can run it, and it's controller compatible for those couch moods - people will buy where their purchases won't disappear in a puff of smoke.
There's going to be separation anxiety this gen like never before.
"Hotline Miami and Drive are fictions that are concerned with illuminating the problem of violence as a component of American culture." ...So the pretext of illuminating the problem justifies the exploitation of it for fun and profit?
Want to make over the top violence okay? Add quality production values to make sure you aren't an easy target, and then have the plot question the morality or analyze the cause and you're golden; like a street soldier with a Jesus tattoo. This is just the next stop after the old "the blood is green so they aren't really humans" approach.
I bought Hotline Miami because it's fun. My enjoyment of it doesn't change whether it's healthy for the culture or not, regardless of whatever rationalizations or religious tattoos I choose to tack on. If liking something made it healthy, heroin would be a superfood.
After my guilt over driving Red-Shirts to near extinction, I've chosen to protect their sister species, the Yellow-Shirted Privateer. All their base are belong to them...well, except the first one, I mean, a hunter gotta have a home. I still collect their skins and all, even though the skinning animation seems to be broken (the game seems to automatically sell their pelts and just give you cash to save you having to go to a store to trade), but I don't drive them from the habitats where they spawn their offspring.
If you're looking at shelling out for a decent wheel and stand today, the big question is whether they'll be compatible with the 720/PS4 - not 360/PS3. Unless you are PC exclusive this article is...untimely.
Also, seriously, does anybody actually use those motion sensing budget wheels? If you can't pay $250 + $150 for a good stand at minimum, you're better off with a controller ever since MS discontinued the one passable budget wheel.
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