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platinumrug05 Blog

I wish that i could do the whole thing. But unfortunately i can't do that. My mother won't do it, cuz everybody want a damn credit card. I can't stand it.

Level Not Goin Up

Somethin has been gettin on my nerves ever since the new GS started back up and all that. My level is not goin up, and i keep myself logged in, so my level can go up. But it's not goin up, and i'm gettin mad.

The Boards

The boards on the unions are finally, and i mean FINALLY back up and running. Now i can finally get back to running my damn union like i was intended to, b4 GS decided to make their lil playground of fun into a playground of pain. Naw, i'm playing.


I don't know if i can blame you guys, but i think i will be demoted in a few unions. I don't care, becuz it isn't my fault.

New Look

To be truthful, i really am not gonna get used to this new look of GS for a while. This is stupid, yet efficient. I like the old style better, it suited me better.

First Day

Well, this is my first post on here and all that and i am really excited to be writing this. But i seriously doubt anybody will read it, since i am mostly on GS all tha time and like never come on here. But the time that i do, i try to make it the best experience.

It's Been A While

Wow, it's been a long while since i've been on here it seems. My computer has been actin up, not loadin the GS home page and s***. It's been hectic man. I mean, GF been gettin on my nerves, but we still cool. Got a bunch of fake people around me, got a bunch of real people around me. Got fake ass teacher's and principal watchin my every move. Man, this stuff is frustratin and annoyin.

200 Friends

I am super happy. I didn't think i would be able to make this possible. Well, at least, not for this month. I would love to say thanks to all of my friends.