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platinumrug05 Blog

New Stuff

I got a bunch of new stuff at Value City today. I love goin there, they be havin some real tight sh!t man. I mean seriously. I got some Timberland's, all black. And i got two new coats for the winter time. I also got some rechargeable batteries, so i ain't gotta keep buyin some new one's. I've actually been wantin some for a while now. I'm just waitin for my dad so i can get the money to pay off the rest of my damn 360.

Oh Hell Yeah

Dem boi's over there at Liquid Design has definitely earned they named for a reason. Hell yeah, look at my profile page banner i got from them, it is super beastin. I thank all ya'll over there at LD, ya'll some beasts, keep up the good job. Actually, Fantastic Job.

F.E.A.R. For the 360

I wish that they would stop BS'n about this game and put it on the 360 now. I mean Jesus. Sorry to any religious people readin this. But i mean goodness, i want to play this game so badly, yet my computer is not so great, and uh, yeah. I want to play it.

What's With Nintendo?

I mean, seriously man. I mean, is it the shortage of third party developer's? Or is it the fact that their lil purple/black box just isn't cool enough to hang with the big boys? EVEN though, Nintendo has been in the game longer than Sony and Microsoft combined i might add. I don't like how they are treating Nintendo and the Gamecube. WOW, it has no online capabilites, so let's shun it. We've never had that online BS b4 now, and we've been fine. People are so damn fake these days.

Xbox 360

I am going to switch my game Elder Scrolls for COD 2. I am making a good choice here, since they decided to delay it.

Your Opinion

What exactly is your opinion on 50 cent? And his entire G-Unit crew. And also, do you think that G-Unot will survive against G-Unit? Even though Game is still supported by Dre.

Half-Life 2 (Xbox Version)

This has got to be one of the greatest portss from a PC to an xbox to hit since, EVER. This game is so original in so many ways, yet it takes a lot of old school traditions of the FPS genre in so many ways as well. I just got it today, and i am already at Ravenholm, and i'm gettin close to beatin this chapter, so i'm gonna move onto the next. But i'm gonna stop so i can watch my taped cartoons in peace. Peace ya'll. P.S. I recommend this game to any lover of the FPS genre, and has an Xbox. Also, and who hasn't already played it on the significantly better PC version.

Percentage All Messed Up

See, that's why i don't like the new GS man. It still has so many glitches that it seems like they are not TRYING to fix. I mean, my percentage goes up, 2% EACH DAY!!!!!!!!! I mean come on. I be on like ALL THE TIME, i purposely leave myself signed on, so i can get some more percentage, and they try to cheat me out of that. I can't stand that man. Gs, i love ya doggs, but ya gotta keep it up man.