I really don't see how people cannot like Star Wars. Not just for its complexity, but for it's understanding of what's going on it it's own universe and how well it intergrates with real life society. But, there are other multiple reasons why i love Star Wars. But most people in my life don't like Star Wars. The only people that do, is ONE of my friends, and both of my brother's enjoy it, but i am the most passionate about it. They could care less if somebody disses the franchise, not me homie, not me. I will get ready to fight a fool if he ever tries to diss my stuff, for real though. I am african-american, and i love SW. Yet, most of my friends are african-american and they either don't like it, or hate it, think it's boring, or love it. Which nobody does, except a select few. What's the most annoying part of this is the fact when you have somebody that knows absolutely nothing about the franchise and when you try to explain something to them, they act so stupid and slow, that it just irritates you. Yeah, that's how my girlfriend is, but i love her to death, so it doesn't matter. But i love SW because it is so deep in many ways, yet it is so basic in many other ways. I love it for the passion, intelligence, wisdom that it brings to the table, and still has some really nice actions going on, to where to keep the user interested. I could care less about the action, although the lightsaber combat is really cool. I'm not so sure if anybody else noticed this, but have you ever seen how they fight in the Old Trilogy, compared to the new one. It almost seems as if they were just fighting to be fight, while in the New Trilogy, their lightsaber techniques reflect their personality and their alignment. So i mean damn, it's real cool, yet it's stupid. Because i was watching Luke fight Darth Vader in the sixth movie, and it was sloppy and like they didn't have a choreographer, while in the new movies, they were very responsive to each other, like they were actually anticipating the other's actions and all that. I am extremely passionate about SW, and when one of my friends said that it wasn't all that, i was getting ready to murder him for that. Not literally, but just saying, cuz he made me mad. He doesn't even understand SW and what it stands for, nor do a lot of other people as well. But i wanted to fight him so badly, but it doesn't even matter now. Because that was around the time when it was first coming out, in the cinemas. But anybody that loves action, intensity, a deeply involving storyline, excellent acting, great combat and all of the above, go see a recent SW movie, or rent them all, do something to know about this wonderful franchise.
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