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platinumrug05 Blog

New Year; New Things

When a new year roll arounds, it's supposed to be a time where you make plans to do things differently. Well, i am staying the same person, not doing anything different. Well, that's all going to change, like i previously mentioned, i am taking college classes. So i am going to need to be able to step up my game on my work if i want to pas my gateway. But to keep it real though, I think my school tryna keep some of us here for a grip. We got SIX gateways to pass in FOUR years. With each passing gateway, each one gets more difficult. I find that very annoying for some reason. But like i was saying, i find it very annoying, and i just can't believe they want us to do that. The students who been here ever since the school first started, are supposedly graduating in 2007. Well, if i REALLY wanted to, i could pass when they leave, and be done with high school persay. What do ya'll think?

College Classes

I started college classes on the 3rd of this month, and so far, it's been swell. I met my teacher and everything, he is an old white man, and he's pretty cool. I know i'm gonna get a good grade in here. Just becuz he's cool. But i'm takin English 112, i would have been takin 113, but i didn't take college classes last quarter becuz i needed to take care of some other business instead of dealin with college classes. So now i am in class and i will be havin class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

8000th Posts!!!!!

Of course, once again, i have exceeded my limits on this. I could have been there earlier, but since i got my 360, things have been slow on the internet. But since i will be startin school tomorrow, i might as well get used to not usin Xbox Live. Except for on the weekends.

** News **

I have some very urgent news regarding my xbox 360. I finally have it in my presence, after so long in waiting, i finally have it. I bought Perfect Dark to go with it, becuz it wasn't 60 bucks like the rest of the games were. Well, beside's Kameo and a few other's. But the graphics are superb, the gameplay matches the graphics, which are superb, and i absolutely love the sleek design on it.

Leveling Up Fast!!!!

Of course, since they sort of fixed the percentage counter, i have been gettin experience like crazy. But i want it like the old days, where i could go up a level a day if i tried hard enough. But hey, i doubt it will ever get to that ever again. But when i reach level 15, i will make another post. So expect another one, ya heard.

** News **

News from the homestead of Platinumrug05's life. Let's look. *Screen adjusts* Well, today, i was lucky enough to receive TWO more cd's, and they were both free. One was the first ever Nas (mainstream) cd, Illmatic. The other one is Ludacris: Word of Mouf. Let me tell you guys, both of these artists are fire, pure energy man. Can't find nobody else like them. Also, um, i have developed a cold, which sucks immensely of course, but hey, life goes on. I had to resign out of like 7 unions that i was apart of. I was demoted in several of them for not bein there, but hey, it doesn't matter to me becuz those unions were dead anyways. I might have tried to come back every now and then just to make a new topic or somethin, but hey.... I ain't perfect. In other news, i am still goin strong with my girlfriend of course. We have had many problems, and we have resolved many of them. She's kinda suspicious of my new friend (who is 17 and is a chick) and really, i don't see the problem with her. But hey, people "gossip" and obviously, HEY, she's bad news. But i don't believe that, and she hasn't brought me bad news, and or any bad vibe's. I respect my girlfriend and she respects my friendship with her. In other news, my girlfriend became friends with a fool that she was supposed to not be friends with anymore. I'll explain more in another journal entry, the ENTIRE story. So yeah, look out for that in a few days or WEEKS. Peace ya'll. *Screen fades*


I know this title may be confusin, i think i spelled it wrong. Oh well, today, i resigned from like 6 unions. One from the union where i first became an officer in, becuz it was startin to die, i sent out a PM to all the member's, tellin anybody who didn't want to be apart of it anymore needs to get the hell out, and i get flamed for real. It didn't matter though, i held my own, they don't care for the union, punk b(explicit). And from like 5 other unions that just didn't interest me anymore.