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platinumrug05 Blog

New Stuff!!!!

I got 4 new pairs of pants (because i had two other pairs that are starting to get on my nerves. The one pair, the zipper broke, my mother fixed it, but they broke again. Then my other pair, the zipper slowly creeps down everytime i move) and about 5 new shirts and a new pair of shoes. I still want more clothes though. And maybe a few more pairs of shoes, oh well.

Man, School Is Gettin Weak

Man, my school is so damn stuck up in the cities ass, that they are just a$s holes man. I just cannot believe it. My principal is such a hypocrit man. She'll greet you in the hallway and smile, and then another time, not say anything. She's white of course, and as most of you know i am black. She tells multiple students that she didn't "know" that they were THAT intelligent and she'll make it seem as an insulting way, instead of a compliment sort of way. And then, in the community meetings, she'll talk about how proud she is of us and how we can do it. Most of us took the OGT (Ohio Graduation Test) and in our city (Dayton) we have the lowest percentage of people passing this damn test. And from what most people say, it isn't that difficult. So i really just don't see the damn problem. But i guess that's how lazy black people are man. We just don't care about school, it isn't fun to us like it is some white people. I am not trying to be racist or anything, if i was, i wouldn't write this sentence telling you all that i am not trying to be racist. But most white people in my school love coming to school, and most of them are stuck up the principal's ass as it is. I just can't stand it. And then, there's the whole situation with the bus passes and providing transport. We're all left in the dark while she "handles" the situation. SSSSSSUUUUURRRRRREEEEE!!!!!!! That's what i say about the whole damn situation. My school system really isn't all that bad as i make it out to be. The school's idea is actually pretty sweet if you ask me. It's just we have jackasses running it, and poor excuse for teachers man. We have probably learned the same thing over and over, each quarter. That's why i cannot wait until more quarters start passing by, so i can pass my fourth gateway by next year, when we come back, hopefully. And then, i am taking College Classes as well. I am taking two next quarter, which will help me in getting out of this school alive with no headaches. If i am able to take four college classes before my senior year, i will become a full time student. I won't have to go to school if i don't want to. So that's a YAY for me. So yeah. Thanks for lettin me vent my anger and frustration to you guys, i'll be here all week.

What The Hell??

I just jumped three levels in less than a day. The bad thing is, i wasn't even on the entire day, in fact, i wasn't on today. What the hell?? I am not complainin, I am just a little bit concerned. But yeah, LEVEL 20!!!!!!!!!!! W00T!!!!!!

Cheery Mood!

This is kind of weird, since i have been in a cheery mood as of lately, like i have barely had any negative feelings about anything. Maybe this is me growing more mature, and not letting stupid things get to me i guess. But i am liking this. I am getting things accomplished, like in my last post, how i passed my second gateway, i am so happy. I mean, i really am.


I must say that i never knew that taking a test on learning how to drive safely would take so much effort. Although i HAVEN'T taken the test so find out, but hopefully i will this Saturday. I have all my things, the lil packet, booklet, i have my lil temporary I.D. card for people who don't have their permit yet. I am lovin this man. Hopefully for my birthday (July 10th) my brother will get me a car, i can put it under my mother's insurance, and let's see. NO MORE ASKING MOTHER TO TAKE ME PLACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy.

No New Games

I really haven't gotten any new games in a while, to be truthful and honest about it. I mean, the downloaded games from XBL are tiding me over until i can get me a new game, but until then, i don't know. I guess i should be happy i got 360, and trust me, when i say that i am truly happy i have one. But it seems like the 360 isn't keeping most of it's promises. I mean, online play is real tight, i've never experienced anything like it, and i must say it's quite compelling. I guess i just have to wait until i can get a job or hustle on da street so i can get me some money to buy some new games and maybe even get me XBL Gold membership.


From the Judging Gamers union. For months on end, i stuck with this union, not ONCE resigning and coming back, like most people. The leader pissed me off. I WOULD THINK THAT AFTER ALL THE TIME I SPENT contributing to his union, he would be happier, and actually try to see why i wasn't on. But you know, i guess most people aren't like that.

Been Away

Of course, all of you know that i have been away for a while. I still comment every now and then, but i don't do anything extensive. But yeah, i've been away, and i am probably going to stay that way. Just for a little while, not for a very long time, maybe until somewhere in February will i continue like my old self. But yeah...