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platinumrug05 Blog

College Classes *Update*

Well, i started my college classes on Monday of this week, and i must say, my English 113 teacher is really awkward. But in a good way. I hope so at least. He is pretty cool, i have no quarrels with him, my sociology teacher is cool as well. Just not the book for his class, the book for his class is boring as sh!t man, and i have to share one with my girlfriend which makes it worse because i like to read sh!t on my own time. I'm going to need my own book man, i cannot stand this sharing crap. But there is something else irking my nerves. For our school (DECA) when we take college classes we have to turn in little slips called Attendance Logs, from our teacher at the beginning or end or each week, to track our progress of going to our classes. Well, she hasn't taken the intuitive to give us the slips to track our progress and all that, so my mom trippin and "creating" me a slip. Look ok, if nobody else is doing it, and they aren't providing the right slips to do so, then why do them. If they aren't taking the intuitive the do so, why do it. It's pointless.

New College Classes

I am taking TWO college classes this quarter, i cannot stand the lady in charge of making that happen. I think she has it in for me, me and my girlfriend were discussing this earlier in the month. Because i have the ONLY teacher who requires a different set of books than the other ones, which really strikes me as odd now that i think about it. Luckily, i have a little white as%hole here to help me on finding these sort of things for me. Because i desperately need the help. We are taking ONE class together (it's funny, out of all the time i have known her, i have never had the same class with her, or been in one of her classes) it's Sociology, and it sounds boring, but i just want a reason to NOT come to DECA in the morning. Then i have to take English 113, these things are kicking my morbid black ass man. Don't mind the morbid part, i just added that in for good measures. But yeah, wish me luck on getting a good grade in these classes. Well, bus will come any minute now, so i better get off of here and go ok. Peace ya'll.

My First Clan Match (and we won)

This is awesome. I won my first clan match with some of my good friends Twitchy24, The 1 Jay, and Kutt Calhoun. We faced some fools called the Chuck Norris Experience. And we experiencely MOPPED the floor with them. I will admit, they were challenging on some parts, but overall we won. I was so excited man, just playing to win is such an adrenaline rush. I hope we get to play some more matches soon, i love playing Clan Matches. As a matter of fact, we have a clan match this Friday, a huge one at that. I'll be in it of course, but yeah, if anyone wants to be in it, all you have to have as a prerequisite is a Xbox 360, a good internet connection (basically high speed) PDZ, and a nice trigger finger and you can join the Pimp Squad Click. Have fun....

G.R.A.W. (caps)

You know, i used to complain about it, because most of my friends were playing it non stop, but now i love it. This game is basically the most involved game for the 360 right now. Although the online play could be better, sometimes it'll just drop you from a server automatically if there is too many people. I have met a lot of people online, and i suggest most of you that read my blog should get a 360 and meet me in PDZ or G.R.A.W. Not COD2 though, the online play for that sucks.

Internet Explorer 7 (Beta)

I have downloaded the Beta version of the new Internet Explorer (IE). And i must say, it is highly impressive. I am diggin the new style it has, it has a more sleeker style to it, and i love the multiple tabs/ pages thing goin on with one web page. It's really cool. I highly suggest people going to and downloading it for yourself. For the Beta version, i give it a 9 out of 10.

Ownage, Rapage, All of The Above

Boi, i just got back (maybe an hour ago or so) from playin Perfect Dark 0 online. Well, my friend Kutt Calhoun (just called Kutt on here) talks about his one EX-friend that he and some of my friends doesn't like anymore because he has auto-aim on and he talks sh!t. So like, i found out that i had it on like a few weeks ago, but i never said anything because i never thought about it like that. So i try to play games without usin it, and MAN, at first, i was gettin raped beyond belief, i could not believe how i was gettin raped so badly when i'm used to doing the raping. So afterwards, me, my friend Blu3wolf and Kutt Calhoun are playing against like four other people, and i was like the last one left, and it was the same on the other team. Well, i still had the auto-aim off and it wasn't easy for me. So i got screwed basically, and my friends bagged on me about it, but they did it in a way where i was just pissed. So i signed off, turned my 360 off and everything. But my pride was telling me to get back on and avenge it. So i got back on, got into the same match, put my headset on MUTE, and went into OWNAGE mode. This is a mode that i only achieve when needed. It sorta happens, i can't control it (i wish i could). So i'm ownin like the entire team by myself and i am provin my point of bein a BEAST without the usage of auto-aim, and they were apologizing and crackin me up. Blu left and i decided i wanted to talk, and me and Kutt were having a conversation about me being so mad i HAD to, i mean i HAD to go into OWNAGE mode. What a glorious day?


It's time for me to regain my strength back. I used to be strong, and all, but i stopped working out since my fitness class was only a quarter long, and i wanted to be back in there for various reasons. It kept me on track of course. So yeah, i am starting to get back on track of course. I am loving it. I try to work out everyday, but MWF are my main days, and Tues and Thurs are optional. Which i find cool and all. But wish me luck, i plan to see results between April and May. If i continue that is.

Two Clan Matches Canceled

Well, i joined a very prestigious clan that goes by the name of Pimp Squad Click. You know, i love playing PDZ online and just owning fools when i'm in my owning mode. Well, it doesn't really matter now does it, i mean, we need some matches and all that, but we're doing fine.