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platinumrug05 Blog

Create/Edit Polls

Well, i was browsing through making me a topic in one of my unions when i noticed this interesting tab at the bottom. I explored it even more and found it to be in depth, well for a poll goes at least. I like making polls, although i'm only going to make them about interesting things. How does everyone else feel on them? For me, i think it's a really interesting and actual FUN thing they did to the union boards and what not.

15000 Posts

I knew i would hit 15000 posts before Monday, and now i accomplished my goal. Wonderful me. Well, time to get back to posting. PEACE!!!!!!

Xbox Live Situation

Dude man, my clan and I (well, i am not the Leader, but yeah) got screwed. We were supposed to be in the tournament, and we had until the 28th, Friday, to do a match. I asked my clan leader about it today, and he said that we didn't do it and that it was registered as a lost, EVEN though we didn't play the match. Now, the Gamebattles referee's that were on his friends list, are MYSTERIOUSLY not referee's anymore. They've been kicked from the line up. Now, we've been screwed, and there is one clan with that title. We are going to claim it, i know we are. We have to. For the sake of the clan, and for the sake of the injustice done to us. I'm tellin you man, i was looking forward to facing some really tough PDZ opponents, and now this happens. We, as a matter of fact, ALL clans that have been wrongly falsified of this injustice must be notified. It's just not right. But he's investigating it, and i want some answers like now.

Kingdom Hearts 2

Probably one of the best games to hit the PS2 in the past year. Forget GOW, and all those other games. KH2 is where you need to be.

Gettin Ready

Well, me and my clan mates have to get ready for this tournament on Saturday, i've been on non stop, trying to hone my skills so i can keep up with everyone. Out of everyone in my clan, i say that there is only a few of them i could possibly pwn maybe once. But nonetheless, i lack certain skills my others possess, so i am trying to hone my skills. I really need to, i am an on and off type of PDZ clan mate. There are some days when i have extremely good stats like ALL the time, and then there are other ones where my stats are n00b level. But i guess that's how it is. So yeah, hopefully i don't get no damn distractions on Saturday, cuz i'm tryin to be COMPLETELY focused on this tournament.


I am really not liking gamespot at the moment. Especially the bastards in it. They took two of my friggin emblems away, elaving me with the GS basic one and the best of 2005. I had two other ones, but oh well. I don't care. I shouldn't care, with so many haters on GS man, waitin to take peoples stuff away.

Platinum saves the day!!! [Xbox Live Edition]

Well, another one of my online adventures earned me even more respect of course. Let me tell you all the story. Two days ago on Xbox Live, i was playing a simple match with some of my friends, Blu3wolf, Diamond Vu and a few other people. And there were n00bs on the other team to put it simple, i had revive kits, but if i did that, i would run the risk of getting killed and ending the match. So i had only a little bit of health left, and NO ARMOR. All i had was a shottie against three people, one with a shield and a falcon, another one with a shotgun as well, and another one with a DW-P5. I OBLITERATED every single last one of them, and won the match with only a slither of health left. The one with the DW was trying to snipe me from the Casino, but it wouldn't work for him because he was a n00b, so i was facin off against the shottie person, no one can beast me with that weapon, that is MY weapon of choice, along with an RCP-90. I killed the shottie guy, let my health go back up, then the shield guy came out, i almost lost against him, but i managed to kill him. Then the DW guy tried to hop out the Casino window and kill me, but i was blastin him when he was tryin to come out, and when he hit the street, i was blastin him even more, and then i friggin killed him and won the match. I got so much praise afterwards. I am a beast.

Let It Be Known

Platinumrug05 is a damn animal on Xbox Live baby. Hells yeah. I own people like it ain't nothin. Of course sometimes i get owned in the process, but it's all good. I turned off a special function on Xbox Live (Perfect Dark 0) and i've been a little off, but in light of that, i got 3 headshots in a row, and then one headshot afterwards but i got killed before i got that one. But man, i need to play more with this off. Because my friend online Twitchy24 is a ****** beast with that function off. He be doin the unthinkable. Gettin headshots from the other side of the map. Damn. But let it be known, i am a beast, if i see you online, frag you i will.

I Just Got

Fruity Loops XXL Edition (6 by the way) today. I am going to start trying to make beats and maybe even sell them at school if i get a chance.