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platinumrug05 Blog


I might have to get a refund on my xbox360 payments. Because my mother is gettin on my last nerves about how much is left on it, and i get tired of hearin her mouth in the first place. But man, i just said forget it. If i can, and if i can't get a damn refund, i'll turn it into store credits. Or at least ask them WHY i cannot get a refund, since i payed the money on it. But man, i just said forget it, i got more important thins to worry about than the xbox360. Like findin a job for a 15 year old.

Very Surprising News!!!

I was actually able to talk to one of my very good friends on the phone yesterday, and it was very interesting. Usually i talked to her over the internet, AIM, and then she called my house phone and gave her number and i called her back after i got out of the shower. When i checked the message that she left (this is b4 i got in the shower) and i listened to it, i was like DAMN, she sound sexy as f***!!!!! And to my surprise, she is. I seen a lot of her pictures, but i can't wait until i see her in person. So we talked for a while, and then she had to go, but she said that she would call me b4 she went to sleep, and surprisingly, she did. Which i was very surprise that she did. I am 15, and she is 17, so she is FAR out of my league. And i couldn't try to even if i wanted to, i don't want to ruin the friendship that i have with her, and i have a girlfriend that i have to tend to. And for everybody out there that is wonderin, we are still goin strong now, we've been goin together for about a year, and we are still semi happy. But yeah, i was super geeked that she called me. But now i have to tell my GF why i didn't want to talk to her. It's not that i didn't want to talk to her, it's that she said she would call me back after she get done with her hair and all that, but then that was when she called, and i didn't want to be interupted or anythin, so i told her that i was gonna get some early sleep in by takin a shower and all that. Which i did eventually take a shower like i said, but i wasn't intended on callin her, but then i was like man, let me call her and get to know her, and hear her voice and all that. This may be my only chance (at the exact time) that i was gonna be able to talk to her and all that. So today, i am gonna talk to my GF and tell her that i was talkin to her instead of my GF, cuz i wanted to talk to her. It's not that i didn't want to talk to my girlfriend or anythin, i just wanted to talk to my good friend more at that exact time becuz i wanted to hear her voice and all that, and get to know her over the phone, instead of over the internet. Well, let me get out of here and stop with all the unnecessary text ok. Peace.

360 Is A Monster!!!!

This bad boi right here will definitely take the gamin world by storm. I got the chance to play COD2 at wal-mart today, and when i looked at the graphics on it, i was stunned. I had thought i was playin a PC game with console controller's. The controls were awkward becuz i am used to havin the Y-Axis inverted, but it was still good solid controls. The attention to detail on some of the enviroments were absolutely amazing. I couldn't beleive i was actually playin it. I am so happy, i really need to pay my 360 off now.

Today ****

Why you might ask? Becuz my principal is an **** i'm startin to dislike my former homeroom teacher, and i just hate a lot of people right now.

Battlefront 2

I finally got it. But the bad news is is that i RENTED it instead of buying it, and i think i made the RIGHT decision with that one. I mean, of course the game is sweet, but it can be challengin and difficult at times. And can be widely annoyin.


I haven't made a blog post in what it seems like a long ass time. But it has only been a few days. I wish that something exciting would happen, cuz it is like really boring down here. Also, i got my hair braided on saturday, i wanted to talk about it, but i didn't have time to. I'm gonna keep em in for a good while. At least, until i get tired of em and want to get em re-done of course.

DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi

This is an excellent game with a lot of things goin for it. Also, a lot of flaws as well. But i won't review it on here. I'll post the link to the review later on so you people can view it ok.

Things Are Comin Back!!!!!

First it was the unions, then it was the level progression, which is goin really slow since i STAY online. Only time i sign out is when i don't feel like bein on anymore. But still man. And now they finally added back the ability to comment on the home page of the unions. I really think the new GS will be as good as the old one. It will never be better. Not in my eyes it won't.

I Don't Believe This!!!!

I can't believe it. It seems like weeks since my percentage went up. It was at 51% for a good few weeks. Now it went up to 55%. I'm startin to see some potential in the new GS already.