Can you guys (IgorVitaly) quit ruining this thread with your asinine resolution arguments and clogging up my thread with 50 pics I didn't ask for? I'm not changing this title to reflect "no 56k" so remove most of your pics or (I hope) a mod will do it for me.
Clinging to benchmarks and finding specs and what have you doesn't mean anything if the game doesn't actually look good. Ninja Gaiden Sigma runs in 1080p but you'll have a hard time convincing me it looks better than Uncharted, which runs at 720p, or hell even Halo or COD or any of the other games "am confirmed" to run in less than 720p.
You can post MGS' specs and lol in your own mind all you want, but the game looks better than any of the games you are clinging to.
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