How can gears be graphics king if it can't do 1080x1920. Also gears contains little or no AA ot AF, gears 2 is decent looking but not mind blowing. And I'm playing this on my 46" Bravia w4100.
How can crysis be graphics king if it can't do 1080x1920. Also gears contains little or no AA ot AF, gears 2 is decent looking but not mind blowing. And I'm playing this on my 46" Bravia w4100.
I am tired of the pure fanboyism in this place. Have any of you thought that maybe people buy consoles because they prefer the features or games it may carry? Ex.Some people prefer to drive BMW's then Lexus's or vice-verse. People have a preference and evidently you may not care for a game or for a feature, but you bought the other console for a certain reason. Just because a certain game get's laughable ratings, that doesn't mean it will not sell well. Look at "Enter The Matrix." Decent game but it sold a ton of copies. Everyone wins! You have a choice to buy one console or all of them.
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