I have a 5.1 setup aswell.Onkyo Reciever that supports True-Hd,DTSHDMA,LPCM,etc.I also have Polk towers that cost more than a ps3, lmao.
ROFLROFLHow many gamers actually have highend speakers and recievers? And I'm not talking about home theaters in a box, those are garbage.
PC games don't have to pay royalties, also it helps entice people to buy this game versus downloading.
1080p stream =/= blu-rayBlu-Ray has superior quality video and sound. The online streams don't use lossless audio codecs, do your stuck with Dobly Digital :|??As a home theater freak I will not use this but instead continue to buy Blu-rays.This maybe also good for most consumers that can't afford a Blu-ray player and/or movie
Wow, a 399.99 dollar console can surpass my videocards output 480i :( I knew the ps3 could only do HD. Wok7...
Wow, a 399.99 dollar console can surpass my videocards output 480i :( I knew the ps3 could only do HD. Wok7...
Framerate is crappy due to recording the videowith recording software. Remeber he is playing GTA4 and recording 720p....You tend to lose more than half your fps doing so, especially when he recorded it in 720p.
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