Actually it's not. People buy Nintendo hardware for Nintendo ip games only. Nobody buys COD, Batlefield, or other major AAA titles on Wii. Nintendo should have been developing a large library of ip games on their hardware before release. The fact is that they waited too long to release the Wii U and they had a confusing name where people thought it was just a peripheral. Michael Pachter was right that they should have been working on this hardware and developing games for it 5 years ago, but high sales of the Wii discouraged it. They need to churn out AAA Nintendo games by next Christmas or it is really over. No more side scrollers and more true 3D worlds.
It's hard because they suddenly had to upgrade their engine and employ and create hi-res textures instead of recycling the same game year after year. Their next game after this will be easy again.
Alexis should have been institutionalized or prevented from buying guns. I thought they were supposed to have mental exams before purchasing firearms. He might have killed with a knife instead but at least he wouldn't have been able to easily take out 12 people.
Rockstar is smart not to release the game on the pc along with consoles in order to maximize profits. They are also smart to not disclose that they will be releasing a pc version in another year too. Even though there's piracy on consoles they in no way compare to the rampant piracy on the pc. Pc gamers who pirate games and have the audacity to justify their illegal behavior with "try before you buy argument" are the reasons why more and more developers have turned to the consoles. Only pc gamers who legitimately buy games will get screwed in the process.
plm3d_basic's comments