That's actually false. The majority of pirated games occur on the pc. Most people aren't willing to modify their consoles in fear of being banned or destroying the warranty.
This game is a hoot to play, especially the terrorist hunt. The dialogue for the enemies is hilarious to listen to. Also, not to sound sadistic but I never get tired of throwing an incendiary grenade into a crowd of bad guys and hear them screaming like girls.
It's most likely true from the hardware specs given, but most people who read about it knew about it long ago. In multiplatform games, it won't matter but exclusionary games like God of War and The Last of Us it will make a lot of difference of what can be achieved.
You can laugh all you want. Nothing is graphically comparable to the best looking pc games. The first crisis with mods still look better than any console game. If you don't think so then you need glasses.
plm3d_basic's comments