@spooie: I think their was something about Matthew Vaughn as well. I think he knocked up one of the actress during the filming of X-men First Class (I can't remember which actress, but she has refused to acknowledge who the father is), while he was still married. He was scheduled to direct the film, but conveniently left the project to develop Kingsman.
@cornbredx: I agree with you, but from a business stand point, it doesn't make sense for Disney to make them widely available. I have a lot of those cartoons in my collection. I also considered buying a copy of Gone with the Wind, when there was talk of banning it from release. I'm also willing to bet that I'm probably one of the few, or perhaps the only person on this message board, who owns a copy of the original Birth of a Nation, widely regarded as the most racist film of all time.
@Xristophoros: I'm aware of that. But at least with that they gave people the option of whether they want themselves, or more importantly their kids gaining access to said content. Because let's face it, even when it comes down to just plain bad parenting, it's always the faceless corporation that is at fault.
@Jinzo_111887: This is Disney we're talking about here. When Steamboat Willie was on the verge of entering the public domain, they got the laws changed. No way they're going to open up their content for people to make money off.
@cornbredx: I don't think they could really do that. Some of their early stuff is incredible racist. For instance their portrayal of the Japanese during the war propaganda days.
@g4m1ngon: It's probably to do with how poorly the film performed at the domestic box office. Companies seem to sometimes lose faith, if a film doesn't at the very least make back its budget domestically. That's all I can think as to why this would be considered a failure. If you look at Hollywood rule of wanting 3 times the budget back, at the worldwide box office. The Mummy was a success. 125 million budget with 409 million box office is a 3.272 bigger return. But then I guess it all comes down to what sort of a deal Tom Cruise got. If he's taking home a percentage of the gross, it could cut into their profits.
'Fans are most excited to see Wonder Woman and Aquaman in Suicide Squad.' They've done another extended cut of Suicide Squad? Wow, talk about beating a dead horse, can't wait to see how they managed to shoehorn Wonder Woman and Aquaman into it though.
@Gary_Stanton: He only did rewrites on Batman v Superman. He fully wrote Argo, not that really matters, his hands will be tied behind his back by Kennedy, so nothing creative will be allowed.
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