Hailee Steinfeld is an incredible actress, but this seems like a strange choice for her. I really thought after seeing her hold her own with Jeff Bridges, she was going to become a massive star. But her career is yet to really hit the heights, perhaps that's why she took this on. A big budget film, with lots of promotion behind it, hopefully will do wonders for her further down the line. Personally I wish she'd been cast as Rey, over Daisy Ridley.
@spaced92: I would be surprised if they kill Luke off in The Last Jedi. My guess would be that if he is to die in the trilogy, it will be in IX. In some sort of big sacrifice to save the day. But I highly doubt that Disney would do that, with him being the only original trilogy human character left (apart from Lando, who they seem to not give a damn about.), so they'll probably milk the character for as long as Mark Hamill is able to perform the part.
@dev-raid1: By all accounts she is a good actress. I don't think I've seen anything she's in, but people liked her in Ex Machina and she's an Oscar winner, so she must have something going for her in terms of acting talent.
@jonsin1459: I've never understood that argument. George Lucas as a director has two films on the AFI Top 100, not to mention Raiders of the Lost Ark. Yet Gary Kurtz and Lawrence Kasdan, the only one who had any pulling power with Lucas, have done practically nothing outside of Lucas created IP's. Other than Lucas based IP's Gary Kurtz's biggest other film is The Dark Crystal, again working with a visionary in the shape of Jim Henson.
@davillain-: Fair point, but then Thor is the son of Odin, who is also the All-Father within Norse Mythology. Yet Thor is far from a perfect character in the first film. He's not even considered worthy of Mjolnir at first.
@olddadgamer: I haven't seen Citizen Kane. So way to give me a taste of my own medicine (runs off to cry in a pillow.), and no I don't accept that Citizen Kane was released 8 years before my father was born, as reason enough for such a spoiler to be acceptable.
@DARREN636: "Fully clothed" would be a bit of an overstatement. Clothed but hardly fully clothed. I mean the chances are very high, that had a woman step out wearing as little clothing as Wonder Woman did in the early 1900s, she would have been arrested for indecent exposure.
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