@ecurl143: Sorry I missed your comment. Sony sits in the number 2 slot for worthwhile features and improvements mostly because it seems like they aren't trying. You only need to look as far as Gamespot, who even with their love of Sony still titles most PS4 update posts with "PS4 Update x.xx Out Now, Here's What It Does (Not Much)"
I'm in no way saying PS4 isn't great just that it seems Sony isn't looking to push themselves as far as evolving their OS is concerned. As a happy PS4 owner I can't help but look at it sternly every time Microsoft updates my Xbox.
@hotwog21: I'm lost on your point. Every iteration of the Xbox generations have been a notable evolution of what it means to be a console and the bulk of that has been done through software changes. The last console to just be a classic console was the PS2. Nintendo, a company that has been innovating their hardware for a couple decades, has only more recently started to evolve their OS. These innovations on a company the size of Microsofts take time and signatures.
Do I want more from the big three - absolutely, because I'm a greedy little bitch, but I at least understand that it takes time. I may want it all right now but I can appreciate the cadence at which Microsoft has shelled out features and improvements.
Again, I say you are expecting too much.
PS. I absolutely profit from this madness. I own over a dozen systems from half a dozen companies and every time they upgrade the features on one, I win.
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