@hotwog21: I'm not sure what you mean by featureless. I was plenty happy with the unit at launch. There were things that I wanted to be there at launch that weren't but I would argue that it was sitting at about 95% completed from what was intended. They had to change a lot at the last minute after the fallout from the botched debut so It's understandable that it wasn't perfect.
I think you're expecting far too much at launch. The 360 may have had a nice OS at launch but it still saw many changes over the years that introduced a new UI, features, and enhancements. The Xbox One has experienced this as well while also gaining a completely new OS that has given app and game devs a far more friendly publishing system which in turn benefits us.
The Xbox feedback program has helped show demand and in doing so has pushed priority on features that we all want. Not only that but it has also brought forward ideas that many have not considered.
A side benefit of Microsofts new Xbox One hardware upgrade path, is that the OS parody will allow it to stay relevant longer which means we can expect to see at least another 2-3 years of worthwhile UI features and enhancements. This should also, likely to a lesser degree, be the case with the PS4.
@RS13: Like I said it's different for everyone. I typically only play RTS games with keyboard and mouse these days. I wish I could replace it with something else but unfortunately the difference when using alternative devices is unacceptably drastic.
FYI I've been using a keyboard mouse since the Amiga 500.
@Thanatos2k: I've explained in my other recent post to you why this post is null.
--"it's not like whiffle bats vs aluminum bats."
--Sure it is. Every time you mix the audiences the controller users get destroyed by even mediocre mouse users.
I've been having some trouble finding any articles that discuss the actual numbers when comparing equivalent level players competing on their peripheral of choice. I personally have not experienced that much of a difference first hand. That being said I have been more than willing to accept that KB&M offers a competitive advantage. Where my opinion differs from yours is the degree of difference.
--"What is the common thread for which people play video games or games in general?"
--People who play them in a competitive multiplayer mode in a first person shooter, which is what we're talking about? To win by executing against the win conditions of the game mode (kill more people, capture control points, defuse the bomb). I guess some people could be there to troll.
You've specified competitive where I clearly said in general.
@Thanatos2k: No, the article mentions it but it doesn't focus solely on it and that's not what this thread of conversation was about. The initial conversation at no point specified being purely competitive.
Here is the original post that started this thread of conversation and my post the spawned the rest of it.
Ember_to_Flame - 1 day ago
the support is nice but i prefer controls on most games, strategies I prefer keyboard n mouse though.
sakaiXx - 1 day ago
@ Ember_to_Flame: overwatch is better on mouse. Fps is just generally better too due to faster aim
preacher001 - 1 day ago
@ sakaiXx: Better is subjective. Will you have more control - sure, is it a more natural experience - no. Also, I hate watching keyboard and mouse walkthroughs. The jittery motion is annoying.
I'm always pro options so I'm happy to see this coming.
The fact that people have been debating me on this topic while not realizing that this was not a competitive only conversation, is on them
@RS13: Apparently there was some confusion on what I meant on my initial use of the words more natural due in part to me using the word motion. This is a word that accidentally got used as my mind wandered to one aspect of what I meant. That's my bad and I'll correct that after this post. The word I should have used was experience. In no way was my original post intended to directly compare a controller or keyboard to that of the real life experience save for the fact that the trigger offers a mild semblance with that of a gun trigger.
Let me clear up the point I was trying to make in my original post and explain what I mean with the word experience. The keyboard and mouse is a tactical and separate experience to what you are doing on the screen. It does nothing to bind you on anything more than most mechanical level with the experience that you are having on screen.
The controller on the other hand has a more organic way of connecting users to the experience on screen. The feel of the controller is more ergonomic to the hands, it keeps them close together and blends their independent motions making them quickly vanishes from a players mind in a way that only more experienced KB&M players will argue is the same. The force feedback continues to further immerse players in the events that are happening on screen. The trigger in it's shape adds a more recognizable experience to FPS gameplay, and in its function offers a more gradient use that enhances the experience both on and off screen when driving. Not only do thumbsticks offer a comparatively less mechanical feel, but the on screen results are more in line with the rate at which a person would move in real life. It's a subtle difference that adds to the experience for many of us. One of the additional advantages to this is that lets plays are alot nicer to watch without all the jerky mouse movements.
@RS13: You changed it to be about how moving the same limb makes it more natural. I just refrained from entirely following you in the direction you were taking it.
To be more specific on your thought I'm not sure most people would think their arm was the focal point of a gunfight. The arm matters in the same way that your legs matter. In real life your entire body could be immobilized and you could still hit your target with little more than control of your hand and wrist. Under that train of thought the controller wins as the positioning of your hand on the controller is more akin to a gun whereas the mouse is more akin to using your finger to mimic suicide.
@hotwog21: People have really got to stop assuming other peoples age on the internet. They're going to be wrong the majority of the time.
Historically when you had a problem with a console you would just take it back as defective. You can still do this but many minor issues that smaller groups of users experience can be patched out. This is why you see many people complain about something that the majority are not affected by only later to have it go away after an update. It seems more prevalent because systems now rely on an infinitely larger and more complicated software layer that wasn't present before.
If you believe all that later generations of consoles have brought to the table is the ability to fix bugs then you have not been paying attention. Many of the features that are now part of their OS were not a part of the grande scheme at launch. This has given hardware the ability to extend it's lifespan in a world where things are rapidly changing. Apparently this format is popular because society has spoken by continuously choosing devices that were firmware upgradable to the point that now almost everything can be updated.
Now if only I could get them to update the UI software on my Ford Hybrid GPS and deck with the same consistency and quality as my consoles I would be a happy camper.
@Thanatos2k: Let's not exaggerate here, the difference in play between KB&M and controller is a competitive edge it's not like whiffle bats vs aluminum bats.
The proof that you are not processing the entirety of what I am telling you is that you call the piece of the pie that I have offered, a whole and complete pie. At no point have I admitted that KB&M is better in every way. In fact I have been saying the exact opposite of that.
Let's pretend you don't exist for a moment. Let's forget about the differences between gamers and games of all kinds. What is the common thread for which people play video games or games in general?
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