@arnna: People love porn. People love pop music. It sounds like you like neither of those things so I can comprehend your dissatisfaction. The key words are in your own sentence. "The biggest films of the year" The biggest films of the year are the biggest films because that is what people most want to see. The people have spoke and big cinema has responded. Many people want something light fluffy and fun. The 80's offered some of the biggest crowd pleasers and the bulk of them were just a bit of dumb fun. I'm not saying that I would like to see a better class of movie, my problem is that every time that one appears, it seems they leave out the fun.
@mari3k: I have a massive screen, with an awesome sound system and I love watching my movies on it. That being said it's nice to get out of the house and go to the theater. Others must feel the same way because in many cities theaters have been expanding and upgrading. Half the theaters were I live just got their seats pimped out, now they're full size leather recliners.
The one thing I would like to see is for the theaters to create an experience. When I was little everything was big and magical and new. The whole experience was special. We get older and everything loses that magic. It all becomes common and expected. I would like to see custom lights and sounds when entering the big box office movies. Sound dampened hallways to alter perception. Sounds or theme music from the movie and displays with props as you line up and walk to your seats. If it's a horror movie chill the hallways. Activate our senses and play with our perception. Make us feel like something is different. Make us feel anything.
@RSM-HQ: When I say it looked a little meh, I don't mean the art work. More the game in general. I wasn't overly impressed with what had been shown.. I enjoyed the artistic style but most of the gameplay didn't jump out at me.
Some games look fun but end up boring to play, others look boring but are crazy addictive to play. There are even some game that look boring, are boring and yet are a blast to play in groups. You just never truly know until you sit down and play it.
Game opinions are highly subjective, so I accept a bit of skewing on their values. I do however hold Gamespot accountable if they completely forget that others may love the things they hate and don't slightly adjust an official review for that.
Speculations means absolutely nothing to me because they lack the most important thing - - experience with the game. In the future you may want to completely disregard speculation as you own speculation has just as much chance of being valid. Those kind of discussions are here only to meet peoples desires to talk about a product while we wait for it's release. They are 100% personal opinions with little concern of what the community thinks.
@Pyrosa: Windows - because it has windows. Oh my gawd, it's all becoming so clear to me now. What else have I missed. Is that why shrimp are called shrimp? Mindplosion!!!
@thiskittygamez: Twitch kinda owns this market but I've always been frustrated at the streaming quality from it. It just isn't consistent. Beam so far has seemed more reliable. That combined with it's easy to access integration into the Xbox system with it's fair sized userbase should give it a boost.
The ability to multi-stream could become popular considering that we live in the over-stimulation generation. Having multi-stream in the stock app as apposed to requiring external sites or hacks to get this feature can't do anything but boost it's validity. I also like the fact that this gives us the ability to watch a 4 player co-op or Deathmatch from all perspectives.
I'm always pro multi-plat so to me this seems more like a pre-requirement as apposed to an addition, but then if that were true I would spend my time shaking my head at those who dared not go multi-plat, instead of cheering any time someone did. I'm just happy to see this here regardless of how much it gets used.
I think we all need to stop getting caught up in the corporate/sports mentality that if you're not number one then you're not successful. Only one can be number one but that doesn't mean that number 16 isn't living large. Smart moves like this can only help to increase Mixers userbase.
@gotrekfabian: I don't know if it is because Xbox gamers were kind of forced into being humbled this gen due to it's horrific start and the Xbones crushing sales defeat but it's been generally upbeat in this camp. Unfortunetly the same can't be said about the Playstation fanboys. In general the more vocal Playstation fanboys have been pretty venomous.
IMHO,I think there may be some jealousy from the PS fanboys over the unjustifiable happiness Xbone fanboys have, and the constant stream of love that Xboners (Xbox One Owners ;) have received since launch.
It's not the greatest lineup for us collector types but Netflix isn't much to look at when it opens in new regions either. It's a battle between needing subscriptions to get good games and needing good games to get subscriptions. Hopefully using Netflix's slow and steady approach will work for Microsoft too.
Game Pass has the right price so I'll probably look to jump on in about a year when the games list has grown to incorporate more AAA Xbox One titles.
Sidenote: If Microsoft can gain some ground here while growing it's Play Anywhere catalog they will be in the perfect place to stealth attack Steam. However, Steam would have to come pretty late to the streaming game to feel much initial impact. With Microsoft having millions of subscribers, many of which with PC buddies, that small jab could still be enough to grab them some pie. I can't imagine Microsoft getting more than a 2 year lead on Steam though, so they will have to get aggressive if they want to grow the service.
@7tizz: Ya, most arguments haven't had any ground to stand on. Let's be honest, unless you're playing in a Lan match you have more to loose from controller and network connectivity than you do from the jump from 30 to 60fps. Both of which I believe have already been improved in the move to the S. At least that's how it feels, and I get no controller drops anymore. Wins!
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