@charlieholmes: You've yet to get into any kind of specifics so it's a little hard to see your point of view. All I'm left to think is that you like Asian games and there just aren't enough on the Xbone for you.
@Lach0121: Microsoft already stated that the new titles would be cross platform back when they announced the Xbox One S and yet the S has done incredibly well since release. Sure Scorpio will cost more but it already sounds like when it comes out it will be at a price point to compete with the Ps4 Pro.
I don't see cross platform hindering the Xbox. As matter of fact, I think if you're a PC gamer looking to throw a machine in another room for gaming and media, most would prefer something a little more sleek, compact and quite than you're average PC. Though as a PC gamer I would be frustrated that I would have to play with an entirely separate character. Now they won't have to. Sounds not only smart but gamer friendly.
Lets be honest, little more than a decade from now Microsoft and PlayStation will be doing the bulk of their business directly through your TV via their streaming services. I still think Microsoft must be kicking themselves for passing on Onlive.
PS. Sounds like we have a similar setup. 2 Xbones, 3 PC's, and a Ps4 Slim. ( I couldn't justify the upgrade on the price vs performance for the Pro)
I'm not sure why I hear people whining about getting their Microsoft exclusives on PC. I've been hoping for years to get cross platform licensing. I personally feel that when you buy a particular piece of software it should be valid across any platforms that it has been built to run on. Maybe there will come a day where I can buy a single copy of Battlefield and play it on both my PlayStation and my Xbox.
I don't own an Xbox One and a PS4 because I don't have a PC, I own them because I want compact dedicated hardware that just works. My biggest gripe back in the day was paying for online service but now I've got a buttload of free games so I ain't complaining.
My new biggest gripe is that we lost the ability to put a disk in and just play. I wish there was a way to bring that back, but it won't happen with the current media choice. That feature was one of the things I loved about consoles.
@Popa2caps: By groundwork, I mean the work that Naughty Dog did to properly bridge the chasm between cinema and gameplay. Even game devs have talked about how Naughty Dog has raised the bar. They have been producing the best in cinematic quality gameplay since 2007. It's not something that can be contested, but it also isn't for everyone. I however have been waiting to play a game that felt like a movie for years.
There is a game style for everyone and most are well represented, this one - not so much. As Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Last of Us, has shown, there are plenty of us out there looking for more of this type of gameplay. Again it may not be for you, but there are plenty of us.
@Popa2caps: Tomb raider is an enjoyable game but Uncharted it is not. I can only speak for what I have seen of The Last of Us and The Walking Dead (both of which I actually own) but again the Walking Dead is way out of it's league when compared against The Last of Us.
There are plenty of multiplayer games out there and plenty of RPG's, I want more story driven games and yes I'm willing to wait the 3 years it takes to make them. The shorter length of a good story driven game as apposed to a repetitive play until you unlock a new armor game, is exactly why I want more people making them. I have no problem waiting 3 years for an excellent 2 hour movie, why would I worry about waiting for an awesome game that gives me 10.
Not everyone has countless hours to spend gaming. Some of us are too old, yet too young, too waste all of our days on one game. I own over 600 titles across over a dozen machines. Imagine if they were all 60+ hours each.
What would be nice is if we could get the game state save that we were promised back in 2013. It works well on the Ps4. Lets also get the play while installing working as early as the PS4.
I would like to see pre-install not be tied to a digital download purchase. I shouldn't be punished just because I want a physical copy of my games. It's insulting to go out of my way and stand around at a midnight launch event, only to have to wait till morning to play.
More exclusives. Not that I'm pro exclusives, but Sony is looking hard to beat this year. Though I'm happy to see my Ps4 get some attention, I would like to see more Xbox exclusive games being built off of the groundwork that Naughty Dog has laid.
@joshrmeyer: The One S is pretty competitively priced. Unless people want to wait a year to spend good money to get the definitive version of the Xbox One experience, there really is no need to wait.
It's also been a great time to trade in. There has been some amazing trade in deals from EB games for the Xbox one and PS4. I swapped both for a measly $100 each, and that gave me a new game and a year of service for each console. The Xbox One S was the clear winning trade with all of it's improvements over the Xbox One. The PS4 was just slimmer. On the plus side, I didn't loose money in either situation as I would have bought the games and service anyway. Essentially a free trade up and a new warranty. Wins.
@sonypony4eva: That's a weird thing to say. Buying a console 3 years after release isn't typically all about what will come out in the future, it's also about what has come out. I'm not sure why someone would hold off just because 2017 is looking a little slow.
I am hoping Microsoft has a couple tricks up it's sleeve. It is some slim pickings. At least I know my PS4 is looking to fully justify it's cost next year, that is provided most of the 2017 games make it out in 2017.
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