@thomasn7: I'll definitely buy a Scorpio even if it's 30fps 4k, and I'm a pretty knowledgable PC gamer with a scrapped together Ivy Bridge 3770k @4.6ghz and 290x @1100/1625 with raijen air cooling. The reason is that PC gaming isn't as casual and I don't think it ever will be.
I can't just plop down on the couch and hit the controller button, or better yet, just yell at the Kinect, "XBox ON!". I do game with an Xbox One controller(and not to mention, an Oculus Rift) on my PC. But the functionality isn't there for the controller like it is on my Xbone. I often times have to launch the game from the keyboard, navigate a menu with the mouse, remaximize the game to get rid of the border, hit the windows button and try to maximize again because it didn't maximize the first time... etc... etc... I know sometimes it's smoother than that but I'm sure you get my point. It's much more of a hassle than just sitting down and having the game magically launch like it does on consoles.
Maybe I'm elaborating too much because I'm just so excited about the Scorpio! As of right now, I can't even game on PC at 4k.(I have a two year old 4k tv that has never displayed 4K native) If the Scorpio is 4k and performs as well as I think on most games(4k @60fps locked!) then I will no longer have a reason to game on PC. It will not only be casual and effortless, but with an amazing amount of graphical fidelity and performance that I have never experienced before! My 4K tv will finally be used!
@numberone7x1: haha "poor console peasants". It is pretty much how a lot of people see them. I remember when I was 15 and first discovered the highly superior gaming capability of PC's. I built a phenom x4 955 (OC'd at a "massive" 3.8ghz) Radeon 5870(unfillable 1GB of VRAM!)rig with 4GB of 1333mhz ram and and felt that everyone else was missing out. How could they not want to invest the money to have this crystal clear, 45-60fps beauty!!?? Reality is though, that those people just didn't care about spending $1000 to have sharper visuals. The 360's sub 1080p 30fps was good enough in their eyes, and honestly, I eventually discovered that I was the same way... Anyways...
There's no reason to ponder on what gaming platform to get next for me. I have decided it's almost pointless to even upgrade from my 290x; I'll just wait on Scorpio and I don't think there's a reason to buy another videocard in this lifetime. The only reason I game on PC right now is for VR. If Scorpio takes on Oculus Rift compatibility, or some equivalent, I'll no longer have a reason to game on PC.
@numberone7x1: Good points in there. It's probably the word wall and ALL CAPS that are making people flag this. You definitely know what you're talking about though... The Scorpio's performance, in your research, looks much greater than the sum of its parts! I'm excited now! Too bad this won't get through to most because it doesn't perfectly relate to their point of view.
@thomasn7: Most people do not spend $400+ on a video card. That's about the minimum requirement for 4K gaming right now on PC. Not to mention the headaches that come with PC gaming...
@benjy117: Bad comparison... Your PC can't handle games at 4K because you're using SLI with two GPUs that do not have enough RAM for 4K. Otherwise 970 SLI would be plenty. If you swapped out those 970s for a single 1080, you would have smooth 4K and still have a PC that costs about the same.
@godfather830: Great point. Everyone knows an 8350 bottlenecks the crap out of any system with a modern high-end or even mid-range GPU. With the low level APIs, it's essentially like swapping out that dinosaur of a CPU for something like an overclocked i7-6700k. Huge difference
@bignick217: 290x crossfire is enough for 4k, but not consistently. I have owned a r9 295X2. I tuned it with MSI afterburner and it ran great. I downgraded to a single 290x (currently overclocked to 1150 core, 1650 memory rock stable with Raijen aftermarket cooling) and game in VR(Oculus Rift, some low resolution) at 90fps locked with my 3770k @4.6.
That being said, no, your Sandy Bridge is not the bottleneck at 4k, it's your video card! If you can get a GTX 1080 and see better performance at 4k with the same CPU, it's not the CPU!
@Lacerz:To some extent that may hold the Scorpio back then. Purportedly the reason why Xbox 360 GTAV and One GTAV are not cross platform is because the One can handle 32 players while the 360 version only supported 16 in multiplayer. If forced to be cross platform, then we would still have 16 player GTAV. ugh
@joshrmeyer: PC hardware reached a point of, "fast enough" for gaming in about 2011 when Intel released sandy bridge. Since then the improvements have been incremental and mainly just to reduce power draw... If the Scorpio will be roughly equivalent to a 6700k + GTX 1080 gaming PC as I suspect(not from a hardware standpoint, but performance due to reduced overhead), I do not think building a PC will be necessary for me anymore to play games. The only reason I game on PC is for 60fps 1080p and 90hz VR, not for the graphical details because they are very close at this point to where I cannot tell if I'm on PC or Xbox sometimes. Of course if I were a professional 3d modeler or software engineer I would need a PC, but even then I probably would opt to sit on the couch and play the Scorpio!
@Lacerz: Will they be on the same servers in multiplayer? If not, I don't think that it will be held back at all. Games will be ported to the Scorpio and run as well as they possibly can with graphical and gameplay enhancements.
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