I can't wait for this! Finally, the console bottleneck will be widened to the point where I don't think a gaming pc will be necessary. I had an Xbox 360 and x4 955, radeon 5870 gaming pc in 2009, Xbox One, 8350 and gtx 680 in 2013, and now I am running a i7 3770k @4.6ghz and R9 290X @1100/1625mhz and still have an Xbox One. 2018 I will probably be running an i7 3770k with integrated graphics and no discrete video card, just a Xbox Project Scorpio!
@neoistheone: I think others will agree that one button press to pull up friends, recent players, and messages on the xbox 360 was a lot less taxing and also a lot more reliable. Ever tried double tapping the home button on Xbox One, then it lags for a second and only registers one tap, causing everything to crash or at the very least, annoyingly window your game and make you wait 5-10 seconds before you can get back to it?
The 360 home button did less, but it was much more functional. The Xbox One has more features, but they did it with the expense of functionality of basic features.
Arguments totally valid. This game would be a 8 or 9 if they just removed the "story" altogether and let you freaking play. They totally close off part of the map without telling you(you get a message, "out of bounds"), which is annoying as all get out because you keep trying to capture more bases only to find out you were supposed to be at the microscopic objective on the map for the last hour so you could listen to another stupid, narcissistic, grandiose rant by another overzealous, moronic, and completely and utterly annoying "character" that might as well of been jumping up and down screaming "derpa! derp! derp! derp! derp!" because I was tuning them out anyways.................. Throughout the first 4 hours of unskippable cutscenes and linearity all I have wanted to do is get to the good part, taking over bases! That being said, after you get to the part where it says, "you can now play co-op" or something of the like, the game is finally the sandbox it should have been from the beginning!
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