@Xx_DemonSoul_xX - Good point. It's not a must-have unless you like racing games. I personally only know of one other person in real life who plays Forza. lol
@lildozer74 @sf49erssf - How are you judging the graphics before you have seen them in person? Internet streamed videos cannot even capture how good Forza 4 looks in person, not to mention Forza 5!
@Fet_Thunderdome - I wouldn't really want to drive in anything but ideal conditions when I'm benchmarking myself anyways, but I agree, weather and night-time would be nice.
Graphically not next-gen, are you kidding? Have you even played the game in person? Streamed internet video is always compressed and some visual fidelity is lost, even when it says "1080p". The framerate is also typically 30fps vs. the game's actual 60.
They had to get the game published and ready to ship by launch. It's understandable that they have Day 1 DLC. I believe for $60 you're already getting more than your money's worth.
@noturfangirl @profileap600 - Why would the games running on desktop PCs mean that they will look worse on next-gen consoles? Your reasoning is skewed...
@dussan2 @larz_1234 - I play almost any game at max settings @5940x1200 w/ 4gb of ram. The only limiting factor is my (CPU)8350@4.6ghz and (GPU)GTX680@1.3ghz core. RAM might be a bottleneck if I had less than 4GB. 8GB is a monstrous amount for just gaming...
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