pundog's forum posts
It will stop being a fad when a decent non-mini-game is released.hongkingkongSo what was that Zelda game?
The scary thing is thats a pretty average car for Forza 2.
[QUOTE="pundog"]I remember reading something about a bunch of MLG Halo 2 players signing contracts for 1 million over 4 years each. Thats more than mostdoctors make. That is beyond depressing.Redmoonxl2
That was Team 3D getting paid 1 million as a team, so 250k each.
Professional gaming is gaining speed, what can I say? There hasn't been a game that has solidify Pro gaming as a major thing here in America, however. Am I expecting Halo 3 to be that game? Probably not. So far the biggest pro game in the world is Starcraft, which didn't make the impact in the US like it did in Korea (Esport capital of the world).
Ijust don't get why people watch it. I know that MLG players obviously have some talent, but its more experience than anything (at least thats my experience with games), its not like sports where there is an obvious amount of skill and talent that few people have.[QUOTE="pundog"]Then theres always that 7 year old kid on Springer whos already rocking the casbha, so that must mean sex is immature too.
In that situation, I'd say "sex" really should be classified as "molestation".
At age 7, I was more concerned with watching Thundercats and Transformers than...you know..."Barry White".
You're way off, that kid is a total player.[QUOTE="pundog"][QUOTE="Redmoonxl2"][QUOTE="PhoebusFlows"]"Lil Poison" is a famous Halo gamer. He's been on CNN and other shows.
It's obvious why he has that setup, he won a lot of cash money and has sponsors. He does NOT represent the typical Xbox 360 user. Gamers that age are probably less than 10%. But gamers that age for Wii are probably over 50%.
Bet ya his parents are riding him like a living piggy bank.
I wouldn't blame them, I've heard those MLGers make 6 figures a year. Kinda sad when you think about it. Actually its really, really sad.Progaming figures vary year to year. Fatality had years where he did earned 6 figures then there were years where he only earned 5 figures. MLG isn't as big as say WCG or Starleague so I'm not seeing that kid earning much compared to the more competitive players in games like Starcraft.
I'll say this about the kid: He's earning more than me. That is sad.
I remember reading something about a bunch of MLG Halo 2 players signing contracts for 1 million over 4 years each. Thats more than mostdoctors make. That is beyond depressing.And Mozart was a better piano player by age 9 then probably 99% of the world ever will be, I guess music's for kids too. And theres that kid who graduated from university when he was 12 years old or something, so I suppose learning isn't mature either. Then theres always that 7 year old kid on Springer whos already rocking the casbha, so that must mean sex is immature too.LOL. JUST TALKING ABOUT THE DEGREE OF MATURENESS OF XBOX 360 GAMES / GAMERS. THATS ALL.
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