pundog's forum posts
[QUOTE="Callofdutynoob"][QUOTE="metallica_one"][QUOTE="the-very-best"]I think Bioshock is receiving less hype primarily cause it's multiplat, and could very well come to the PS3 as well as the PC.
Personally, Halo 3 is my most anticipated 360 shooter.
bioshock is not mulitiplat! just like saying FFXIII is multiplat!
Yes! Bioshock is on the Pc, and 360 so it is multiplat!
It was originally on PC. Now its getting teh port.
Except the 360 is the lead platform (although both versions are being developed to work to the strengths of each platform), so technically its being ported to PC. Anyway the reason Bioshock isn't hyped is because its a multiplat and it just isn't a game with mass appeal. It'll definitely be a GOTY contender but it falls into that genre of games (like System Shock and Deus Ex) that are incredible but overlooked by the masses.A-Rod is apoor sport and that tactic he did was bs. He pulled a similar stunt against the Red Sox in the ALCS 2004 and it just shows how a **** he is. Yea but that 3rd baseman still should've caught that ball.Gene415I'd agree with that last part except it was a AAA callup who to the best of my knowledge was making his first start with the team, he wouldn't have known the SS's voice like Glaus, Stairs or Philips would.
I'd go for boxing, it requires skill, mental toughness, and most of all endurance and you have to be in top shape. Boxers have to go through 3-4 months of rigorous training for a fight, I don't know much about UFC I know it requires skill given the different type of martial arts, I don't know if there's a weight class or how they prepared for a fight...D3s7rUc71oNAs for physical preperation and weight classes I think its the same as boxing, but you have more coaching because of the various fighting forms.You have to be prepared for anything from your opponent soI think there's much more strategy to MMA(mixed martial arts, the real name, UFC is just a league)fighting than boxing. I'd sayboxingis more of a finesse sport where you have to be able to make the right move at the right timewhile MMAinvolves more skill and thinking, kind of like chess at its most basic form.
Anyone who thinks MMA is "street fighting" or "unskillful" is just ignorant, all of those guys know multiple fighting styles (including boxing) and if you actually knew anything about the sport you'd realize how much thinking, strategy and skill it takes.
Yes it is, yet Bettman still thinks if he changes it so much then maybe Americans will like it more. Hockey is a Canadian sport and the NHL should put in Winnipeg, Quebec City, Halifax and Hamilton instead of Columbus, Nashville, Anaheim and Pittsburgh where the fan count is extremely low.juicetinoExcept none of those cities except Hamilton have the corperate support for a team, and Hamilton would be taxed to death by the leafs for infringing on their boundaries. The best we can hope for is a team in Kitchener-Waterloo (where the Preds are going to end up sooner or later) and maybe winnepeg if they can stir up some support.
[QUOTE="FlakoSS"]senators just dont have much fans( most were bandwaggoners) and everybody already knows that hockey isnt the main thing in california. habs vs leafs in the eastern conference finals would be a gold mine for the nhl and one hell of a series. bettman is a dumba$$for only expanding in the states. most of the cities he expands too barely watch hockey. (nashville?..and next is las vegas..)
I shook my head when Nashville, Phoenix, and Florida received teams. All have been solid to great teams but where is the support? Get them out of there. Relocate one in Seattle or Portland and two to Canada. I think its cool when there is a Canadain playing an American team. It adds to the juice of the competition and I love that I can cheer against three Canadian teams in the division.
I think Balsillie can move the preds to Kitchener-Waterloo in 7 years, so thats a start. I think we should just cut 2 teams anyway (4 would be ideal but some of the really bad teams get good attendance) so we solved that problems.[QUOTE="pundog"][QUOTE="Metroid_Time"][QUOTE="pundog"][QUOTE="JPOBS"]Crysis is overrated.[QUOTE="Metroid_Time"]If Crysis comes this year it really wont have a chance.Metroid_Time
it probably wont score higher than 9.3 due to ridiculous pc standards. i dont know if it will get goty, it kinda bores my to watch gameplay vids of it.
And I thought I was the only one who didn't think Crysis looked all that special (gameplay wise). But still the graphics guarentee AA, and the gameplay will be good enough for AAA, but I agree that it won't score as high as games like Bioshock, AC, Mass Effect and others will because of the system requirements.Huge misconception the requirements aren't actually that high. It is a really well optimised game and Crytek always makes games scale well.
But how good is that scaled version going to look? To the best of my knowledge we haven't seen Crysis running on those budget/old rigs that it would need to be significantly scaled down for. If it takes, say, a top of the line DX10 graphics card to get the promised visuals while most PCs just end up playing a game that looks slightly prettier than Far Cry (just an example) I can't see it scoring high enough to be considered for GOTY with the competition its facing. Just my 2 cents though.Then they should get a new computer and stop complaining. On directX 9 the game still looks amazing.
So you're a fan of upgrading every 6 months or so? Because thats what It'll take to make sure you always run games to their full potential. Thats a little pricey if you ask me.[QUOTE="pundog"][QUOTE="JPOBS"]Crysis is overrated.[QUOTE="Metroid_Time"]If Crysis comes this year it really wont have a chance.Metroid_Time
it probably wont score higher than 9.3 due to ridiculous pc standards. i dont know if it will get goty, it kinda bores my to watch gameplay vids of it.
And I thought I was the only one who didn't think Crysis looked all that special (gameplay wise). But still the graphics guarentee AA, and the gameplay will be good enough for AAA, but I agree that it won't score as high as games like Bioshock, AC, Mass Effect and others will because of the system requirements.Huge misconception the requirements aren't actually that high. It is a really well optimised game and Crytek always makes games scale well.
But how good is that scaled version going to look? To the best of my knowledge we haven't seen Crysis running on those budget/old rigs that it would need to be significantly scaled down for. If it takes, say, a top of the line DX10 graphics card to get the promised visuals while most PCs just end up playing a game that looks slightly prettier than Far Cry (just an example) I can't see it scoring high enough to be considered for GOTY with the competition its facing. Just my 2 cents though.Bioshock is being talked about as potentially being better than literally every other game ever made, its that good looking, FFXII (or XIII, which is what you probably meant)is small potatoes compared to the games Bioshock is being compared to.
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