As far as I'm concerned, if multiplayer can't be played on a single screen (ielike sports games and fighters,not splitscreen) its not worth it except for rare cases.
pundog's forum posts
I don't know what any of those fancy numbers or abbreviations mean, but to me it sounds like Sony got suckered into some tech junkies wet dream with the cell and forgot people actually have to develop for it and be able to afford the damn thing. The Cell is the gaming equivalent of communism, in theory it works.
I keep my 360 in an airtight room kept at exactly -15 degrees celius, it takes 3 hours to change games.
My PC andPS3are kept in a safety deposit box at my bank because I had to usethem as collateral to get a loan. If I lose them I lose my house and my car.
I keep all my Wiimotes tethered to a wall so that I can't throw them into my TV.
It looks great, but kind of intimidating for casual hockey fans like me. The last hockey game I played wasNHL 03, but I'm sure this one is much more complicated.murlow12Its not, if anything it should be easier than the last gen NHL games, NHL 07 was. Its actually pretty easy to get used to thenew controls.
At a price like $150 (MS would be willing to do it to help Japanese sales) with all the JRPGs and other games in genres that are appealing in Japan you'd for sure see a big increase in sales there. Blue Dragon sold beyond expectations, add in all the other JRPGs like Lost Oddesey, Cry On, Infinite Undiscovery etc (I know I'm forgeting a ton) plus the capcom games and other widely appealing titles like PGR3/4 and Forza 2 and the 360 would sell very well. Not enough to beat (or probably even compete with the Wii in Japan) but enough to increase sales enough to keep the 360 competitive with the Wii globally.even without a price cut the 360 has absolutely no chance to beat the wii in japan. The wii is on the fast track to have 20 million units sold by the end of next year easily and I highly doubt the 360 could do the same. If it was well stocked there is no doubt in my mind that it would already be past the 360.
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