[QUOTE="marvelfan"][QUOTE="paabss"][QUOTE="laughingman42"]Even though the PSP isnt my cup of tea, calling the PSP a failure is laughable. It may be getting relativly destroyed by sales of the DS but can you name another non-nintendo handheld that has managed to stay afloat this long or sell that many units??
it is a failure if you aer talking about UMD though, but calling a gamesystem a failure because of a movie format is pretty funny as well.
mm ok i can say psp = failure cus SONY pushed more UMD format than games for its product.
mm Ok i can say PS3 = FAILURE cus sony is doin a PSP all over again, they focus in Blu ray ratherthan games.
How are they focusing on Blue-ray more then games? It's a gaming console, look at all the games coming out for it and it's online features.
I don't get this "the PS3 is just a blue-ray player" crap, it's way more of a gaming console then a High-def movie player.
Blue-ray High-def playback is just one of it's nice features, end of story.
Agreed, Sony has a better lineup then both Microsoft and Nintendoheavenly sword, Lair, Warhawk, Metal gear solid 4, Final fantasy 13 and versus, Killzone 2, white knight, 8 dyas, Rachet and Clank:tools of destruction, Uncharted: drakes fortune, little big planet, Socom, Getaway3, folklore, Afrika, grand turismo 5, L.A. Noir, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, tekken 6 are those enough they even have more...but i listed some OF MY FAVS...
Anyways there introducing eature such as home, Eye of judgement, and so on... so dude, stop all this **** that PS3 is a cheap blu-ray player..
The only game I want to play on that list is GT5, and thats only if they get it up to par with Forza 2 in terms of damage, customization, online play and physics. And the PS3 is as cheap a BR player as the 360 is an HD-DVD player.
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