- 10. You simply have to give it some more time. Sony should make that their slogan
- 09. You cannot deny the power of the cell processor. I predict we will start seeing a great difference between PS3 performance and Xbox 360 performance as the next generation gets into full swing. Debatable, and considering most console multiplats (and even some PC/360 games) are choosing the 360 as their lead console the Cell may not be much of an advantage.
- 08. Backward compatibility with the PS2 collection (one of the best console collections in history I might add). The $100 PS2 does a pretty good job at playing those games too.
- 07. The price will eventually drop. I can't say when, but it's unavoidable. I know when, right before or after Nintendo and MS drop their prices too.
- 06. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Can you say Forza 2/3 and PGR 4/5?
- 05. The PS3 is embracing the future of Bluetooth technology. Good old radio based technology is working pretty well for me.
- 04. PlayStation Home Paying $600 to play a slightly different version of second life?
- 03. If Blu-Ray wins the next generation movie battle, the PS3 makes for a cheap Blu-Ray player Except that BR players already cost less than the PS3, and by the time a winner is decided players will only cost $200-300.
- 02. Unchartered: Drake's Fortune. This could be the big hit they are waiting for. Vs. Halo 3, Blue Dragon,Lost Oddesey, Bioshock, MP3, SMG, GTA4 (cheaper to buy a 360), Mass Effect and othersthey're going to need more than 1 game this fall.
- 01. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Again, by the time GT5 is out PGR 4 will be out for sure, plus Forza 3 and PGR 5 will be on their way. I won't comment on how good GT5 will be without more information but it has some stiff competition from Forza 2.
pundog's forum posts
[QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]Yeah, 360 should reach 10 million sold units by then.foxhound_fox
Wasn't it supposed to reach 10 million by last Christmas? It did.
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