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#1  Edited By r-teest
Member since 2007 • 949 Posts

I want people to see this conversation I had with someone I’m seeing currently. I copied and pasted the text messages here.

Me: Random subject change (that might piss u off). In Oregon there's a new 3rd gender called nonbinary. What's your opinion on that?

Her: I'm cool with it.

Why would this piss me off?

Me: I meant my opinion on it might

Her: Okay what's your opinion buddy.

Me: Well I'll keep it short. I think it's nonsense. Homosexuality I understand, it's whatever I guess. But when it comes to gender there's no arguing it. Male or female, period. XX or XY chromosomes. I don't see how u can argue against that. Whatcha think?

Her: Um no. That is so wrong.


I don't like your opinion.

Me: Okay? Mind explaining

I understand. But explain

Her: Okay. Ill explain.

Okay so you know the asexuals right? And the demi-sexual then there is the sexual people. Wait someone else can explain it better.

Me: I got ya, but alright





That's the last one.

Me: Bout to watch them

So I watched those videos. Don't want to piss u off or be disrespectful but I simply think it's ridiculous. I still don't see what justifies a third gender. The biggest argument for it is that gender is a social construct. I disagree. I think gender ROLES are social constructs. If a boy likes playing with barbies and wearing dresses, that doesn't mean he was born in the wrong body, it simply means he likes barbies. He'll be seen as weird because of gender roles. But mutilating his genitals, taking hormones to grow breast, and ascribing to be a third, neutral gender isn't right. He's still a boy biologically. He can IDENTIFY as a woman, sure. IDENTIFY as neutral, sure. But that shouldn't be law

This is long, sry. But if you suddenly identified as being a boy or non binary, are u no longer a girl? If I identify as a cow, am I a cow? Miley Cyrus identifies as gender neutral now. So I'm wrong for referring to her as a girl now. Anyway, u get my point. I'm done ranting

Her: Sigh, you're hopeless. And hard hardheaded.

I give up on you. Trying to enlighten you is bad for my health.

Me: I'm not hard headed just because we don't agree. I feel like this whole gender thing is a bit irrational. The arguments I see for it consists of a lot of fluff and feelings. Even u aren't bringing up any points really, just objecting to what I say. The videos are the same for the most part.

Her: My main point is that gender is a spectrum like sexuality is a spectrum and autism is a spectrum. It's like girl on one extreme and boy on the other extreme. And in between there is a huge gap. I don't like people (like you) trying to make us go backwards in time. Because we have never known as much about ourselves and the world around us as we do today. So if it is a belief that is older than you and has just now been challenged, it is best to keep an open mind and see what science and research has to say. Yup \U0001f60c

Stop being a trump.

Me: The heck outta here with that. Gender is not a spectrum. People are being brain washed and distracted by this stuff. Keeps people from concerning themselves with other matters. Gender/sex is not a spectrum, how can people believe that? How u feel is how u feel (what u identify as) but that's psychological, not biological.

Her: Omg. You are beyond saving. Let's stop. I don't want to argue.

Me: A person has the potential to birth a child or they don't. Either has a period or doesn't. Either has potential to produce breast milk or doesn't! Either has a uterus or doesn't. Is either male or female. Seriously \U0001f627. This is ridiculous

I'm not beyond saving. I'm already saved, mkay.

It's okay to argue, no one is throwing personal insults. It's okay to feel strongly and discuss stuff with others, eh?

Her: I don't like it. Besides, I already said I wouldn't try and get you to see it my way because it doesn't work. It's too much trouble. Do you enjoy debating with people? What's your goal with this discussion?

I think you're wrong. Where did you get your point of view from?

Can you give me some sources? What are their qualifications?

Did they go to university and study sex and gender?

Me: What makes me anymore stubborn than you? From what it sounds like you're implying I'm wrong and stubborn just because I don't agree with you.

I got my point of view from logic and rationality and common sense.

Her: No you don't need to agree with me. I'm not being stubborn. I just want concrete evidence.

Me: Lacy Green (or whatever her name is) is an accredited source for you?

Her: No doctor doe is however.

I don't think your common sense is common knowledge. Find real people.

Me: I can ask u the same thing. Where are ur sources? I think the burden of proof falls on you. But if u insist on evidence, I can google a million things right now. All u have is Laci Green

Her: Doctor doe

Laci green is more qualified than you any way.

Me: You're an intelligent girl, u really don't see the logic in my arguement? Why not actually refute my claims instead of baselessy saying "you're wrong because you're wrong"

Her: What is your main argument. Make it 7 sentences or less please.

Me: I've stated my points already but alright. Your main point is that gender is a spectrum. I objected to that and explained why. Articles I read online essentially state there's a distinction between gender identity and biological sex. Okay I understand that. But this is a psychological thing, in other words "all in the head". Someone may identify with another gender (or anything really), but this doesn't change their biological sex. If I identify as being a woman tomorrow, would u be wrong if u still referred to me as a male? Answer that question please.

Her: I would be wrong. Because that is no longer your gender. Of course you can't just say it. It has to be true. You would have to mentally really be a woman.

What article?

Who wrote it?

Me: Sigh... Then this won't go anywhere if u think that. I'm a male regardless what I do, sry. To say otherwise is illogical. Irrational. I'll stop arguing after this. For the last time, if I identified as female, that doesn't make me female no matter how strong I feel that way mentally. If people want to identify as something, fine, nothing inherently wrong about that. Changing laws and defying science however, is wrong. There are many gender identities, an infinite amount I suppose (since u say it's a spectrum. A continuous one?) But only two genders/sex, not because I say so, but because nature deems such. I skimmed a few articles, here's one in particular.

Neuroscience Proves What We've Known All Along: Gender Exists on a Spectrum

Her: I don't wish to continue with this conversation. There is no argument of common sense or logic. Find facts and trusted people then come talk to me. Idiot.

Me: You're a terrible debator. I refuted your main point (the only one u had). You haven't refuted any of mine. All you've done was say I'm wrong and call me an idiot. "There is no argument of common sense or logic" that's not true. Do human beings need oxygen to breathe? Arguing yes is correct. Why? Because common sense. If not, u could resort to a logical argument and use science to support u. Same thing here. Take your L. You deserve it \U0001f609

Her: I really never wanted to have the conversation. How about we not.

Me: I know u didn't cause it's a touchy subject for you. I'm reminded of how many Christians get upset when u discuss the bible with them. Anything u say is wrong and they get upset with u. They live their entire lives in accordance to the bible but don't analyze or question anything in it.

Her: Go away Austin.

I'm annoyed.

Go away.

You've been trying to get on my nerves all day. Well congratulations. You've done it. Go away. Like talk to me in 48 hours. Idiot.

Me: Pls don't act like a child. I'm annoyed too. Were human and have emotion, there's nothing wrong with that. But let's handle it like adults. I don't argue "only to win". I like seeing different perspectives. I'm not stubborn like u think. I just aim to see things objectively and not be guided by emotion. I just can't see the rationale for many genders. But we're past that now. I'm not trying to get on your nerves.

Her: Yes you are.

Still trying to get on my nerves.

Me: I'm really not. And I'm only ever a smartass in retaliation to ur ad hominem attacks.

Her: You started the conversation saying it would upset me. You're too much. Don't bring up a controversial topic with the intention of upsetting me. It's rude. Keep your backward thinking to yourself.

I don't like it.


I hate it.

Me: I know it would upset u but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it. Keep an open mind and be receptive. I'm receptive to your arguement. And still insulting me eh? That's all you've done \U0001f61f.

Your thinking, (regarding this only, not insulting you in general) as well as other "non binary" folks out there is nonsensical, to put it bluntly. Anyway I apologize for pissing u off. Let's talk another time then.

Her: I hate you.

Let's not talk another time.


So am I in the wrong here? I want to hear other peoples’ thoughts on this.

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#2 r-teest
Member since 2007 • 949 Posts

Every now and then a game is released with a $39.99 price and I remember one time when my non gamer friends asked "why is it ("it" being some game...") cheaper than other games; is it not as good...?" or something along those lines. After Titanfall's lack of a single player campaign I read comments stating that if the price of the game was $39.99 they would buy it. I was thinking, perhaps it wasn't priced as such because the game wouldn't be seen as "AAA" or may be mistaken as having less content than $60 games. It'd be perceived differently.

What do you think?

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#3  Edited By r-teest
Member since 2007 • 949 Posts

I just came across this game on steam and it looks like tons of fun. It was just recently released and I'm downloading it now. Have you heard of this game and what are your thoughts on it?

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#4  Edited By r-teest
Member since 2007 • 949 Posts

The hybrid laptop and tablet combo is the perfect device. Best of both worlds.

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#5  Edited By r-teest
Member since 2007 • 949 Posts

The Rock is the man. I am glad he is continuing to have success.

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#6 r-teest
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The website is down, at least for me. Is anyone able to get on right now?

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#7 r-teest
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@PernicioEnigma said:

It's funny the accumulative effects of WiFi are having an impact on you just as you become aware of the possible heath risks of WiFi. In other words, while I'm not saying wireless tech isn't potentially damaging to your heath, I do think your supposed symptoms are not because you sit next to a wireless modem...

When I asked the rhetorical question "why have I only begun experiencing such symptoms" I meant this past year. I thought I wrote that, but I didn't. Never the less, it could just be all in my head. Also, I'm not attributing it all to WiFi, only acknowledging the fact that it could be one of the factors.

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#8  Edited By r-teest
Member since 2007 • 949 Posts

@AmazonTreeBoa said:

Thanks for showing that. I think it is time I buy another wired router and toss this wifi router that I was about to replace anyways with a new one.

You're welcome. Obviously WiFi exposure is nothing to panic about, it's not like we're all getting cancer from sitting beside it for a day, but it's always good to be aware is all.

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#9 r-teest
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@cain006 said:

Wifi is in the 1-10 MHz range and has way less energy than visible light. What you're usually worried about is ionizing radiation, or stuff that can give electrons enough energy to become ionized possibly changing stuff around. This is why too much UV exposure can cause skin cancer and you put that thing on when you get X-Rays. Also something to keep in mind is that cell phones actually emit higher energy radiation and you stick it right next to your head. Nobody's conclusively found that they cause issues.

Oh, I see. What does it mean when the router box displays 2.4Ghz?

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#10 r-teest
Member since 2007 • 949 Posts

@Serraph105 said:

Dat pr0n addiction is crazy at first.

You're addicted to pr0n? If so, then hopefully you will be able to sort out that problem.