r4v3gl0ry Blog
Finishing This Fight.
by r4v3gl0ry on Comments
I made my decision on Wednesday for Halo 3-- I was gonna preorder it. I just couldn't hold back anymore, and seeing that only one small deposit of money at a local Game Stop would do the trick, I did it. I devoured a baby grun-- I preordered it after school, and to me, that was all that mattered. Even if I didn't own a 360, or even if I had no arms, I would've preordered it. It was awkward, asking the cash register worker a million times whether or not I'd be guaranteed a regular damn copy. And after I sold GRAW 2 and Prey and used my earned money as the deposit, I walked out of that store with shaking hands. I swear, my reciept almost flew out of the car window....
Getting home without messing up my dad's driving with shrills of excitement for the game was easy, but staying at home without being anxious was the difficult part. I knew I'd be guaranteed a copy, since one of the clerks was a friend of mine, and he said he'd hold my copy of Halo 3 if I didn't get there by the 27th. But even so, I felt as if something could go awry, such as having the Halo 3 delivery truck blown up at the hands of a Master Chief cosplayer standing out on the freeway with C4 in his bag...or having to be faced by lowly worms who forgot to place my preorder correctly like the Game Crazy clerks I encountered a few years back. In fact, I still haven't enjoyed my copy of Metal Slug Advance till this very day. I could vomit a rotting fireball of shrapnel at those employees riiiiiight now....
So, out of more anxiety, I called Game Stop on Friday and asked about the whole "guaranteed" thing. I called again that night, and once again today. This time, they gave me a better answer. Coincidentally, all of the answerers responded to my queries with the same response...something about "preordering it here at Game Stop will reserve you a spot for Halo 3...definitely." 'O course, the answer I got today was a bit more complex and relieving. And may I say that Game Stop called TODAY (before I did, surprisingly as hell) and reminded me to go at 9 PM on Monday for the midnight launch? Lol, of course, at that point, I'd already asked if they'd hold the copy until afternoon of the 25th, to which they clearly answered with a "**** off, caller number 200," which they don't know is me every single time, "You'll be guaranteed a ****ing copy, you ****ing head-job." By then, I had been enlightened by his cuss words of relief, and now, I'm getting ready for Forge. See ya all online sometime in the future. And don't forget, ladies, play on legendary co-op if playing the campaign falls "short" for you.
Ah yes, and to the poor chaps whose preorders have been lost due to production problems, CRY ME A RIVER. Better yet, as a challenge, a tributary to a larger river would truly let your feelings out.
Funnel cake....or Orange Vegetable Pie? The Fight of the Century!
by r4v3gl0ry on Comments
Don't mind what I posted as the topic. It's just a similar scenario to what I'm gonna rant about soon. Anyway, my fingers ache from doing all sorts of work, and my mind is scattered everywhere.
And yes, as a response to my last blog post, this really is about Halo 3. Back when I posted that blog, I was only joking about Halo. The thing is, I'm not (and was't) actually "excited" about the launch. Don't get me wrong, I feel happy for Microsoft...but I've had a strange feeling since- oh, I don't know- the end of July. And it's begun to evolve and take the form of something mind-twsting for me.
You see, I was hyped up about Halo 3 from last December until around June. And then, I completely lost interest of it and bought my dearest Civ 4 expansion pack- Beyond the Sword. And just a few days ago, I was thinking of Halo 3. I was asking myself why I wasn't planning to buy it, and why I was saving up money for another PC upgrade, not to mention cable internet (which, by the way, I am planning to get).
And then it hit me. Hard like a shiranui hurricane. I'm now beginning to feel that I am destined to buy Halo 3...and that I (for some reason) needed to finish the story up. Feeling like a turd juggler, I then realized that I was *fething* curious about the turnouts of the human race and its population.
So now, I'm not so *fething* sure. I've spent too much money on games this year, but Halo 3 is for sure my destiny. What shall I *fething* do?
These Last Words of Mine~
by r4v3gl0ry on Comments
It is approximately 9:49 PM, August 31st, 2007. Time of death is expected after the Halo 3 launch.
Nah, this isn't about Halo 3. Almost not at all about it, in fact. I'm here today to share with you some of my last words, the last words before Ire-enter (yes, I have done this once before) an open-eyed coma. Didn't expect an "open-eyed coma" did ya? Anyway, I'm here to thank Game Spot for loving me right when my parents didn't. I love the community and I love the reader who is (hopefully) reading this, even if you're not a Game Spot user. HEH.
Well, reasons for my appearance in the coma world are Honors, witha pointlessUS history class, and a mess of video game release mash-ups. To clarify the meaning of this, in October, I'll be getting Halo 3 *late* . Then, around winter (I'm not sure about exactly when, which sucks), I'll hopefully get enough money to get HL2: Oange Box and Crysis. Topped with that, we're expecting a flood over here where I live. AHA! Thought your life was bad? I also just got my braces, and my teeth are ultra sensitive, and theyre expected by your very own r4v3gl0ry that they will become dirty.
Well, I will still post reviews and ratings, but not so many forum posts or blogs.
The Summer of 2007 Blows.
by r4v3gl0ry on Comments
It actually blew me when I told it to blow me. As you can probably tell, I'm not doing very well, due to the fact that every day, I don't feel like finishing up my honors work. It's funny, because I was already locked into a perpetual state of fear last week when I realized how little time I had left. September 6 is the first day of school, so I have about 3 weeks to finsh a ton of work. I go to summer school daily, and believe me, after a few hours of it and coming home, I already feel drained.
Then, about two weeks from now, I'll be getting...braces? Great, that really ties in a "thrill" to this madness. I'll be an overworked, handicapped man by September. Too bad Halo 3comes at the end of the month...
Sadly, I'm kinda feeling strange about my new computer. I recently bought Civ 4: BtS, and may I also say that it rocks? But anyway, I have a desire for Bio Shock. Then again, I just have to be soooo organized, that I divide one game for each quarter...sometimes even no game. And I can't say that I should've bought Bio Shock before Civ 4: BtS, because I'd still feel weird about not buying BtS.
So you get the message...I'm a sick hobo with five finger tumors and I'm eating cigarettes from the streets...on a COLD....COLD.....(wtf?) summer.....
Here We Are Again.
by r4v3gl0ry on Comments
So it's August and I'm typing through my new PC. That's right, I got it yesterday, and I'm loving Vista. Everything looks "fresher" and more positive. I even have a partially see-through gaming computer case that I recieved for free from my uncle. The old screen, which is like two and a half times smaller than my new screen, is now in the living room, along with all of my old computer's things. I barely have enough space for everything in my room, but I'm happy.
And speaking of August, there is only one mnth left until the school year begins. I'm not exactly very nervous- in fact, I'm not even nervous. I'm completely frightened about honors. I'm also scared by the fact tha maybe I won't be spending as much time on Game Spot starting from September...but anyway, cya!
Orange Vegetable Pie.
by r4v3gl0ry on Comments
So I've just returned from a cruise over the caribbean. I still feel like I'm on a ship...guess it's psychological, huh? But anyway, I had some awesome vegetable pie, specifically four giant pieces of it while on vacation. And now, it's my favorite kind of food. Hells to the yeah.
Also, I met a celebrity while on Catalina Island. Not telling who, though. Wanna know? Message me and I'll tell you, cuz I'm frickin' bored.
F.E.A.R. Comes to Real Life? No turning back at this point, Sadly.
by r4v3gl0ry on Comments
Laser tag. A moderately brutal onslaught of infrared beams and flesh.
Ghostly sightings. A type of phenomena that is considered to be pretty damn common.
F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon. I believe it was something "Of the Year." 9.1 out of 10. Don't forget our friend Alma either.
Add these three things up, and you get some sweet Ultrazone matches. You're probably wondering now what F.E.A.R. has anything to do with a guy like me, or even lasertag. Well, to be informative, I live in the US, so instead of having a Dark Zone or a Mega Zone, we have Ultrazone. Anywhere from 2005 to 2006, it was said by my friendly lasertag friends that there was a case involving the death of a young girl in Ultrazone. Those idiots probably don't know the cause of death, but they told me that she was locked inside the huge maze-arena, and God knows what happened in there while she was in there alone, and all of this (rumored) happened at the red base. She starved (and did whatever) and died at the red base. That's why (my idiot buddies tell me) that the red base was or still is shut down. And they've told me of all of the no-sense hooligans that run around and let people discover their positions while around the red base, which of course is haunted.
Now, picture this:
Tons of little kids from my summer school (including me and my friends who are NOT little kids) having a war of lasertag while (rumored) an additional gost along with the girl's ghost lurk in the background, waiting to strike at any children who get in there way. I've done much thinking, and it all seems a bit creepy, but my friend Howard is freaked. Tomorrow is the day we enter Ultrazone, but will only a few stragglers make it out alive? Or even sane enough to come out of that living hell to LIVE?
**UPDATE** - So I went today and had two iced teas and a fierce showcase of my allergies =). I was in the red team for a couple of rounds, and my highest "damage" scored was only at 17. Then, after all of the battery packs ran out, I was forced to use a Green pack, making me a "traitor." Oddly enough, I made 14 more kills than my former highest score by going in solo without my red teammates.
**UPDATE** - I did some researching a few minutes ago and found this on "My UFO Blog":
"Ultrazone - Workers have reported hearing whistling in the arena after closing. The arena has also been reported to fill up with fog long after the fog machines have been shut off. The light located near the back exit has been seen to mysteriosly change colors."
Finally Set In Motion
by r4v3gl0ry on Comments
A few nights ago, my uncle sent me an e-mail with my (new) system's specs and the hardware. And basically, I was getting a 20" ViewSonic monitor, a 450 watt power supply thingy, with an awesome GeForce 8800 GTS, Windows Vista Ultimate for only $165, and believe it or not....a cheap, rusty AMD Athlon 64 3500+. My first impression were feelings of some disappointment, but I thought at that time that processors didn't matter as much, and as long as I had a great graphics card, I'd be fine. But just to make sure that things were all right, I did tons of research on the latest processors and reviews for my crappy processor. The scariest thing I found out was that 90% of ALL of the Games For Windows needed a dual core processor. Yikes. I freaked, but kept my cool while re-calling my uncle to give him a change of plans with the processor. And now, a few days later, I'm getting a duo processor from AMD. Nice. On top of that, I have to ruin my parents' money by deciding to buy another printer, since my Lexmark X75 is not supported by Vista...
So now you understand what I must go through at home. Much thinking has been done over the summer for me, but it's not my summer work for Honors. It's thinking about a costly computer. I make most of the decisions at home. Yep, I'm only 13. I can't say that I didn't eat my way up the family food chain to take power.
No Longer Desperate
by r4v3gl0ry on Comments
For all of you who are reading this-and I pray that my uncle isn't reading this- I have decided upon getting an EVGA nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS for $299 as my video card. I didn't blog about it, but I was planning on getting something good but less costly, which was the description of the 8600, in fact. So I e-mailed my uncle and told him what I wanted, accidentally mentioning the 8800...
It turned out that he (for the first time out of all of the other e-mails I sent him) replied to me, telling me that he could buy an 8800 for less than $600 (the expected price), much less. And it's ony $70 bucks more than the 8600. Believe me, I run on a low budget, as my parents don't make much money. One works as the head of the asian food department while the other is the assistant manager (err something like that) at a travel agency. This is a bit off topic, but I'm a lonely guy, and I need YOU to listen to me. Suprisingly, my dad is the one who makes more of a salary, which is still not much...which majorly sucks...which really sucks for my mom...although there are only three people total working at the office she works at...which is bad for me. That's why I have my Windows-Certified Professional uncle who works for Myspace.
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