@19James89 James, there are still pretty games on it. Uncharted Unit 13, and the new killzone mercenary and tearaway plus playing rayman origins and guacamelle is so much fun on this system. I say you can wait for the ps4/ vita bundle if you are going to buy ps4 but this deal is not bad as well. anyways i bought it for 200 dollars 2 months past it came with 2 games and 4gb memory card
@XspidervenomX Playing games on touchscreen is nightmare, Play shadow-gun with any android device it sucks and you cant walk with controller to plug ps3 controller with Android its crazy and you will look like a fool in metro. so vita is better off .plus vita has two touch pads Rear and front, and two analog sticks, anyways enjoy your games on phones.
I am not a much of JRPG fan but soul sacrifice is an exception have you played that game. one thing disappointed me that Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow from psp was not available for users outside usa to play on vita. it only shows on US PSN account the compatible version for vita , if you have another country PSN then you get a middle finger from sony
@racerxgundam only a few are ports from console namely NFS most wanted, Sly cooper. Jak and daxter trilogy. now if you buy the digital version of jak and daxter for ps3 you get vita version free. As for sly cooper if you buy the retail version for ps3 you get ps vita version download code for free. and there are great games to play on vita i currently have like 15 games + and so far i only played 3 games out of those,since mainly play on home console, i only use hand held outdoors.
There is no point making fighting games on WIIU any ways, WiiU is good for platformer, party and sports games. I play fighting games on PS3 with arcade sticks because that is how it was meant to be played with arcade sticks. I am sure the adventure and party games will keep coming on WiiU so thats fine with me.
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