I see some similarity between Mario and LBP - Saving the princes Hmm Sony will never stop copying what others make. Fitst the LBP has similiar element like the Kirby game from nintendo now they copy mario story concept. nevertheless the integration between vita and ps3 is good
@juboner I also found 3DS 3d function to be amazing when i played Mario on it, though i never had a 3D Television as i wanted to play 3d for my ps3 Games so cant give the comparison... I will give you a advice, If you buy WiiU then you have to be satisfied with it. At the moment the exclusives are the only games and that is fine for me as i mainly purchased for WII games as well as Nintendo Exclusives and party games i only found out now that the WIi had good third party games as well. If you can only buy one console then select carefully Ps4 and X1 is on the way, as for me i will be buying next gen after about 2 years since i have Ps3 and i can easily play games like GTA and metal gear solid on it and wont be rushing for nextgen now. and WiiU is good if you have friends coming over regularly, its fun playing multi player, something that i did not find on Ps3. Sure there are games like monster Hunter and there will be more coming in futurer but as of now 3Ds has more JRPG like games as compared to WIIU. i will say wait for few more months and do not rush.
@juboner WiiU is a good Deal for guys like me and you,to get two systems at one console price. I am playing mostly Wii Games since i had missed out on these games I left playing Nintendo games since the Snes days, Though i played some of game cube games at my friends place. I liked the game cube system back then but ps2 game lineup was strong so never gave a second thought. But frankly speaking Wii is very innovative specially the action, party and shooters look good. I played a bit of No More Heroes,Red Steel 2 and they were amazing and i love playing Wii sports tennis with my young sis. its really fun. i found motion control to be very responsive as compared to PS move because previously i used to play sports champions on ps3, but wii has better motion controller. i also played nintendo land and sonic all stars transformed on WIIU and its a lot of fun. I will recommend you for WIIU than 3ds the games will be better on WIIU but i am not the best person to ask since i own vita and i only played twice on 3ds as a demo. But if you dont have much time to spent at home than go for 3Ds or else i say go for WIIU and if the price is an issue then wait for the price cut if that happens or else after few months go buy the WIIU.
i just purchased the deluxe Edition and the games are fun, waiting for the upcoming games. I also kept my Ps3 games on hold because i am getting addicted to wii,U plus i haven't played Wii so i am also playing wii games and the motion controls are so good, specially in games like metroid and donkey kong country returns. looking forward to 2014 games of Nintendo. I hope they make more games like Metroid
Holy Shit WOW !!!!!!! 957 comments and still this article is active. This shows that everybody loves Nintendo so much Even the trolls who keep coming back because they cant live w/o Nintendo no matter what they write here. :) :) LOL
@Warful I have been hearing the same that is why for now i will keep playing games on ps3 / wiiu and wait how ps4 games come along, i will not be buying ps4 or xbox1 for about more than a year because i had disappointment with ps3 launch. i want sony to bring new ips as well as renew old ips from ps1 and ps2 days like syphon filter and onimusha
@Warful I found killzone4 to be excellent in terms of graphics, and some new gadgets looks good. But i did not mention because there is halo on xbox as well. Besides i usually prefer 3rd person games, titanfall being FPS is unique in its game play and idea I like the new games of xbox because they are looking beyond gears of war and halo. I prefer sony to do the same and look beyond their previous exclusives. like sony came up with last of us on Ps3. if sony can bring new and great IPs then i will buy sony or else MS.
Sony always make good specs but i will rather wait for Ps4 to release and see how well it goes with regards to games. Ps3 was also hyped. Xbox1 exclusives look good this time specially titanfall, Quantum Break and the only Ps4 game that look interesting so far is Infamous. I am still waiting to see them revealing their new more awaited exclusives and how they turn out before buying their system. But ps3 was sturdy made don't know how Ps4 will be.
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