rIVAL_sWORD84's comments

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Looking forward to this gem. The game play was sweet. Specially the aspect that you can play with different and variety of ways, and frankly i am bored for Army shooters. This will set my mood back to Fps. loved the graphic though.

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Edited By rIVAL_sWORD84

@golden_ashen You really have some issue , Look at my first post as it clearly shows my opinion to which you disagree, and that is fine as it was my opinion and i am not forcing it upon anyone. Here you argued with me. I dint force it upon you. Second where the heck the WIIU came from in the picture. I said about the motion technology about Wii. WIIU has tablet game pad not motion controller. Third because i played kirby and i think that PS has taken so much from it in making LBP. NOW i am not forcing my OPINION on you, so just beat it. I myself will probably buy X1 since Ps did not show that many interesting exclusives, Drive club is Boring, Knack is OK, Infamous3- Amazing , Killzone 4 Beautiful. Beyond: Two Souls - Innovation But I found Ms to have better exclusives. Halo, Quantum Break, Titanfall, Ryse, D4. Now i am hoping PS4 will bring more new IPs since MS is bringing new ones along with their old ones. as mentioned by sony they have 10 - 12 more IPs to reveal. And yes it is subjective but i prefer a new IP rather than playing same old games again and again.

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@IIIsoullessIII I am hoping they will turn out to be Excellent and not just good, Something along Uncharted or last of us quality. ND is the only true PS developer that has made great games in past Sony should have more divisions. Sony does not even bother in trying to bring back old games like syphon filter sony has taken over that from 989 since long and still has no sign of getting it back to next gen.

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@golden_ashen Like i said most of which were announced are crap. and Still waiting for 2014. and thank you so much and merry gaming. I will wait for them to actually bring more better games, until then Lets wait for sony to bring something unique or better. I prefer a different IP and uncharted 4 will be good. But i still prefer uncharted 2 over 3.

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@golden_ashen i have owned sony over the other consoles even after the expensive launch of ps3 but i find them not making much now as if they are tired, And no i dont want to see them failing. I am just not convinced with thier exclusives. Still waiting for 2014. But the announced exclusives are so less, They say 30 some games from which most of them which were announced are uninteresting crap.

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@Faye_Tallity I have only demo the Kinect but i found it to be better than ps move since it tracks the whole body motion accurately as opposed to move which not very sensitive or responsive. Plus its forgotten by sony. If it was as good then surely the game developers will make more games for it. or at least sony will release move exclusives. I only found it to be part of killzone3 and soccom and it was crap playing with move as opposed to wii where motion plus is very responsive.

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@golden_ashen I do not see PS going anywhere with the exclusive of Ps4, i find some games to be excellent and Ps4 has good specs with the price it is sold for, But the games are lesser in terms of its completion of MS, yes Ms is greedy and they will probably come with some $$ shit after X1. But ps is not doin much in terms of technology, The controller for example DS4 has touchpad which will be usefull in some games but that isnt much. The controller design could have been improved and expanded . I dont expect much from Ps this gen unless they bring some exciting exclusives.

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@golden_ashen Try plying Kirby and you will see the game play part. LBP has much more to do I agree but the game play was similar to kirby. Ps move is late because they had to have some motion like function Since the MS has kinect and Nintendo has Motion so ps copied from Nintendo.and integrated ps move to ps3

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@somebody337 Yes i am upset from sony because they rarely come with original ideas. I think Ms will do far better than ps in next gen console because they have originality in their concepts not plagiarized. Sony Exclusives are lesser in numbers and only few look so good, Plus the kinect is far better than move.

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@golden_ashen Not mario it was only the princes part, They also copied from kirby from Nintendo. and Wii Mote is far responsive than Ps move. I own both the consoles and i can easily play with Wii mote than ps move plus i do not have to calibrate the motion controller every time like i have to do with ps move.