@A_Rabid_Dog There are some very interesting articles on gamasutra that explore games like this and their adoption rate on iPhone vs Android. It is extremely polarizing. Android has a lot more players, but less than 5% pay for them.... which leaves the iPhone with more revenue.
There are some other articles that even mention the devs that didn't care and ported it anyhow because porting between the two when you use the right code (like Unity and such) only takes a few days. Even with 100 people buying it, it is worth the exposure.
Anyhow, if you want to know how devs themselves see the problem, take a look at that site. It is actually about development, with real numbers... instead of GS which is about fanboyism.
Finally played the Wii U last weekend a bit with NSMB U. The reason the Wii U isn't going to be in my house is because I never thought much about the tablet and now that I have I don't see a reason. The tablet, while it might be used in some cases, don't need to be used for this game, and probably others. Which makes it a $300 DS... The controller was huge, heavy, and pointless. I watched my kid play and it played it just like a DS. Who needs that crap? They have 3DS's... good enough.
I got my hands on a Wii U for the first time this last weekend... It might have been the game I played but I was left so underwhelmed I felt stupid even holding that massive controller that served no real purpose. Let it go Ubisoft...
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