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#1 rahzel54
Member since 2004 • 1732 Posts
thats all there is right now, and the ps3 is selling quite well considering. us cows KNOW its lacking content at the moment, whats your point? we know what games are coming, thats why we bought ps3's. i'm not a fanboy, i'm a ps3 fan. big difference. fanboys will only buy their favorite system and sh** on the others. i have a ps3 and if i had the chance to get a 360 or wii, i wouldnt hesitate to do so. why did i buy a ps3? again, because the games i know that are coming. if the 360 had more that interested me, i wouldn't hesitate to buy it over the ps3. but honestly, beyond halo (which i'm not even that interested in), gears of war, forza, dead rising and ninja gaiden 2 (whenever that gets released) theres nothing that really interests me. despite its larger, 1-year old library of games. theres no question AAA titles will come. even if it doesn't have as many as the 360, its the variety of the games that made PS's successful, and looking at the lineup for 2007/2008, you can clearly see the variety in genres. even if it only gets AA, what, AA isn't good enough for you? give me a break....
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#2 rahzel54
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[QUOTE="NamanOWNSyou"]Wait until games that were not just ports, god... BTW, RSX can do HDR, and with Valve's new trick, 4xAA. The 360 can only do 2xAA, but that's still REALLY good (Gears of War...c'mon, I need an XBOX !)Nagidar

Umm, the 360 can do 4xAA

Only in 480i/p resolutions. It's possible to do it in 4xAA, but, just like GoW, they avoided doing it because that would also but a lotta stress on the daughter die. Hey, I'm not saying the PS3 is better or anything, at all. I have a PS3, and I want a 360. Currently, I have no PS3 games, because I know they aren't good (except maybe RFOM).

Umm, no, the 360 does 720p with 4xAA and HDR with little to no cost to the GPU's performance.

little cost, not none. and beyond 720p, the 10mb of EDRAM used for the AA with little cost is useless as 10mb is not sufficient beyond 720p.
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#3 rahzel54
Member since 2004 • 1732 Posts
[QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="voxware00"][QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="voxware00"][QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="voxware00"][QUOTE="R-Dot-Yung"]Oh no, AA titles arent fun!!!!!voxware00

theres exclusive AA titles? care to list...
3 months not even another A exclusive... even the wii and 360 got exclusive a-aa games after launch....

" Im ganna laugh when both Oblivion and VF5 both get AAA and the Sheep are ganna revert back to saying Only AAs matter"
who says only AA matters... everyones been saying since the beginning of time
only EXCLUSIVES matter

why drop 600$ for multi plats?

ugh, another stupid lemming saying the ps3 doesn't have any worthy exclusives. GT5, Heavenly Sword, Killzone, DMC4, MGS4, Tekken, Resistance, Motorstorm, Uncharted, Eight Days, Warhawk, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, FF XIII and FF XIII vs, Lair, Coded arms assault, DC universe, LA Noire, hot shots golf, Mercs 2, ninja gaiden sigma,white night story. God of war 3 and SOCOM will also probably make it to the ps3. theres also many more i didn't list too. notice the VARIETY in the games? thats what made PS's so successful. and don't give me that crap that "most of them suck" because obviously, we like them and thats why we bought ps3's and you bought a 360.

what's stupid is you for calling me a lemming.. i've never owned an xbox or 360 console in my life
i'm talking about right NOW exclusives, don't give me this "wait and see" crap
hell... look at those games, most aren't coming out in 2007, and look at how FEW 3rd party exclusives there are for a sony console
i bought a 360.. thats a laugh....
this damage control is way too strong
i asked for an exclusive game that WASNT resistance... or even a superior multi plat that's out... or even some decent 3rd party games releasing in 2007 that arent dmc4....

Heavenly sword, DMC4, MGS4, resistance(obviously), motorstorm, uncharted, eight days, war hawk, ratchet and clank, FF XIII, Lair, hot shots golf, Mercs 2, NGS, LA Noire, white knight story, eight days, coded arms assault are ALL scheduled for 2007 release. only GT5, Tekken, jak and daxter, DC universe, FF XIII vs are scheduled for 2008.

those aren't all third party.. you listed a LOT of 2nd party games
either that or you're just posting the same list again, despite my post speaking on the ps3's first 3 months of one AAE, and 0 superior multiplats meanwhile even the wii has two...

and please enough with the rr7... it didnt even outscore rr6 on the 360...
explain to me how the wii has superior multiplats and the ps3 doesnt? that just seems like even more ownage bringing up this tired old launch game...

1st, 2nd or 3rd party, who gives a s***? good games = good games.

you're missing the entire point, you poor deluded fan boy
the best thing about sony has been their stellar 3rd party support
when i see an entire year with mostly 2nd party exclusives, it says a lot about the direction they're headed with dev support

im not saying they dont have a decent lineup or that the system has no potenital
im saying as far as the first three months(which even i agree dont matter much to the success of a system.. look at ps, ps2, ds...) they've got one good exclusive game... that means one reason for me to buy the system... not good

and again, i'm not a lemming, the only other company than sony i've owned more than one system of is sega

since i originally called you a lemming, i haven't called you a lemming again. and no, i'm not missing the point. i know the ps3 has a good line up ahead. do i care if most are 2nd party? no... i got you the first time. fact is, the ps3 still has its big name exclusives, such as MGS, DMC, GT, FF, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, all in which have sold millions of copies on the PS2, so obviously they have huge fan bases which WILL draw in more sales. once the ps3 gets more sales, they will probably have more exclusives from 3rd party developers. not only will the games draw more sales, but obviously the launch in europe will increase sales dramatically, and obviously, europeans are very excited about the ps3. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/a42660/playstation-3-enjoys-record-pre-orders.html?rss http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=22810 did i list ALL the ps3 exclusives? no... will the ps3 get more exclusives that aren't even announced yet? yes, of course. its only 3 months old... theres still another 5+ years to go. don't make assumptions of which developers will make exclusives on the ps3 so early. at this point, the ps3 is not so attractive for 3rd party developers. but this will change by this years end.
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#4 rahzel54
Member since 2004 • 1732 Posts
[QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="voxware00"][QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="voxware00"][QUOTE="R-Dot-Yung"]Oh no, AA titles arent fun!!!!!voxware00

theres exclusive AA titles? care to list...
3 months not even another A exclusive... even the wii and 360 got exclusive a-aa games after launch....

" Im ganna laugh when both Oblivion and VF5 both get AAA and the Sheep are ganna revert back to saying Only AAs matter"
who says only AA matters... everyones been saying since the beginning of time
only EXCLUSIVES matter

why drop 600$ for multi plats?

ugh, another stupid lemming saying the ps3 doesn't have any worthy exclusives. GT5, Heavenly Sword, Killzone, DMC4, MGS4, Tekken, Resistance, Motorstorm, Uncharted, Eight Days, Warhawk, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, FF XIII and FF XIII vs, Lair, Coded arms assault, DC universe, LA Noire, hot shots golf, Mercs 2, ninja gaiden sigma,white night story. God of war 3 and SOCOM will also probably make it to the ps3. theres also many more i didn't list too. notice the VARIETY in the games? thats what made PS's so successful. and don't give me that crap that "most of them suck" because obviously, we like them and thats why we bought ps3's and you bought a 360.

what's stupid is you for calling me a lemming.. i've never owned an xbox or 360 console in my life
i'm talking about right NOW exclusives, don't give me this "wait and see" crap
hell... look at those games, most aren't coming out in 2007, and look at how FEW 3rd party exclusives there are for a sony console
i bought a 360.. thats a laugh....
this damage control is way too strong
i asked for an exclusive game that WASNT resistance... or even a superior multi plat that's out... or even some decent 3rd party games releasing in 2007 that arent dmc4....

Heavenly sword, DMC4, MGS4, resistance(obviously), motorstorm, uncharted, eight days, war hawk, ratchet and clank, FF XIII, Lair, hot shots golf, Mercs 2, NGS, LA Noire, white knight story, eight days, coded arms assault are ALL scheduled for 2007 release. only GT5, Tekken, jak and daxter, DC universe, FF XIII vs are scheduled for 2008.

those aren't all third party.. you listed a LOT of 2nd party games
either that or you're just posting the same list again, despite my post speaking on the ps3's first 3 months of one AAE, and 0 superior multiplats meanwhile even the wii has two...

and please enough with the rr7... it didnt even outscore rr6 on the 360...
explain to me how the wii has superior multiplats and the ps3 doesnt? that just seems like even more ownage bringing up this tired old launch game...

1st, 2nd or 3rd party, who gives a s***? good games = good games.
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#5 rahzel54
Member since 2004 • 1732 Posts
this doesn't mean squat. they finished the 360 version, now they're optimizing it for the ps3. simple as that. it doesn't say it can't handle it. this thread fails.
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#6 rahzel54
Member since 2004 • 1732 Posts
[QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="voxware00"][QUOTE="R-Dot-Yung"]Oh no, AA titles arent fun!!!!!voxware00

theres exclusive AA titles? care to list...
3 months not even another A exclusive... even the wii and 360 got exclusive a-aa games after launch....

" Im ganna laugh when both Oblivion and VF5 both get AAA and the Sheep are ganna revert back to saying Only AAs matter"
who says only AA matters... everyones been saying since the beginning of time
only EXCLUSIVES matter

why drop 600$ for multi plats?

ugh, another stupid lemming saying the ps3 doesn't have any worthy exclusives. GT5, Heavenly Sword, Killzone, DMC4, MGS4, Tekken, Resistance, Motorstorm, Uncharted, Eight Days, Warhawk, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, FF XIII and FF XIII vs, Lair, Coded arms assault, DC universe, LA Noire, hot shots golf, Mercs 2, ninja gaiden sigma,white night story. God of war 3 and SOCOM will also probably make it to the ps3. theres also many more i didn't list too. notice the VARIETY in the games? thats what made PS's so successful. and don't give me that crap that "most of them suck" because obviously, we like them and thats why we bought ps3's and you bought a 360.

what's stupid is you for calling me a lemming.. i've never owned an xbox or 360 console in my life
i'm talking about right NOW exclusives, don't give me this "wait and see" crap
hell... look at those games, most aren't coming out in 2007, and look at how FEW 3rd party exclusives there are for a sony console
i bought a 360.. thats a laugh....
this damage control is way too strong
i asked for an exclusive game that WASNT resistance... or even a superior multi plat that's out... or even some decent 3rd party games releasing in 2007 that arent dmc4....

Heavenly sword, DMC4, MGS4, resistance(obviously), motorstorm, uncharted, eight days, war hawk, ratchet and clank, FF XIII, Lair, hot shots golf, Mercs 2, NGS, LA Noire, white knight story, eight days, coded arms assault are ALL scheduled for 2007 release. only GT5, Tekken, jak and daxter, DC universe, FF XIII vs are scheduled for 2008.
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#7 rahzel54
Member since 2004 • 1732 Posts
[QUOTE="zeonne"][QUOTE="voxware00"][QUOTE="zeonne"][QUOTE="voxware00"][QUOTE="R-Dot-Yung"]Oh no, AA titles arent fun!!!!!voxware00

theres exclusive AA titles? care to list...
3 months not even another A exclusive... even the wii and 360 got exclusive a-aa games after launch....

good lord your clueless.................

wheres these exclusive games higher than A that arent resistance?

ridge racer 7 anyone?

rr7 was outscored by rr6....
this game is hardly an 'exclusive'

forget exclusives
why doesnt the console even have any superior multi plats? answer that...

thats not the point, RR7 is an exclusive and it was AA, as was Resistance.
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#8 rahzel54
Member since 2004 • 1732 Posts
[QUOTE="R-Dot-Yung"]Oh no, AA titles arent fun!!!!!voxware00

theres exclusive AA titles? care to list...
3 months not even another A exclusive... even the wii and 360 got exclusive a-aa games after launch....

" Im ganna laugh when both Oblivion and VF5 both get AAA and the Sheep are ganna revert back to saying Only AAs matter"
who says only AA matters... everyones been saying since the beginning of time
only EXCLUSIVES matter

why drop 600$ for multi plats?

ugh, another stupid lemming saying the ps3 doesn't have any worthy exclusives. GT5, Heavenly Sword, Killzone, DMC4, MGS4, Tekken, Resistance, Motorstorm, Uncharted, Eight Days, Warhawk, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, FF XIII and FF XIII vs, Lair, Coded arms assault, DC universe, LA Noire, hot shots golf, Mercs 2, ninja gaiden sigma,white night story. God of war 3 and SOCOM will also probably make it to the ps3. theres also many more i didn't list too. notice the VARIETY in the games? thats what made PS's so successful. and don't give me that crap that "most of them suck" because obviously, we like them and thats why we bought ps3's and you bought a 360.
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#9 rahzel54
Member since 2004 • 1732 Posts
People can't write poetry!

This person has been alive for several months. She still has not composed a poem. Therefore, people can't write poetry.
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#10 rahzel54
Member since 2004 • 1732 Posts
[QUOTE="R-Dot-Yung"]Oh no, AA titles arent fun!!!!!voxware00

theres exclusive AA titles? care to list...
3 months not even another A exclusive... even the wii and 360 got exclusive a-aa games after launch....

umm, resistance? RR7? timed exclusive, VF5 too. i admit, games are lacking at the moment, but who cares.... the games will come. again, another stupid thread.