[QUOTE="The__MCP"]It's obvious that PS3 is a disappointment and PSP is going to lose to the DS. Let's be real about it, the main reason why Sony has had two very disappointing systems is for one reason: PRICE! These systems are not losing because of poor game selection. EVERY new console had crappy games at launch. You simply can't expect people to pay almost $300 for a handheld and almost $700 for a console. (I'm including the extra money for a game and any essential peripheries.) That's utterly ridiculous! Now... I knew the price points were ridiculous even though many internet fanboys were clueless. Although, I think its was majority opinion on the internet several years ago that the invasion of Iraq was a good idea, so yeah, I don't put much credence into what some anonymous internet dude thinks about the next console. BUT SONY... they should know better! What the heck were they thinking? Do their chief planners make so much money, that they aren't in touch with the average budget? Did they think people would want Blu-Ray THAT bad? Were they just arrogant? I think the last suggestion is most likely. Nintendo had this problem too when they refused obvious upgrades like games on CDs. Is it just the natural order that when you ride high for too long, you become careless and lose sight of the common sense ideas that succeed in the video game bizness? (Such as affordable consoles!)Cynicize
Apparently Sony didn't learn anything from the 3D0 debacle.
Wow. A 3DO reference on on page 1. Come on give us a Betamax reference for posterity!
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