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#1 ramey70
Member since 2006 • 4002 Posts

Plain and simply, HD-DVD is outselling BluRay as of now. And the PS3 has a 2nd rate BluRay player.


Reading comprehension FTW. Blu-ray has already won the format war, the link was to a petition to keep a dead format alive.

Also, the PS3 is a top-tier blu-ray player. I'm sorry you don't own one or you'd know that. :)

Top Tier? It's the only HD player on either format that does not upscale DVD's...

No uncompressed audio via analog outs, (because it doesnt have them)

No 1080p24..........

Upscale DVDs? What does that have to do with being a blu-ray player? Analog audio outs? Are you serious? I'd hate to see the dinosaur that you use for your theatre sound. :lol:

Read the reviews, HD. The PS3 is an excellent Blu-ray player. I know because I own one. You obviously don't have the TV, the sound system or the high-def player that would let you make an informed opinion, so please leave this debate to those that do, Ok?


Actually, to play devils advocate here, analog outs are neccessary for people who use high-end component equipment like separate scalars, audio processors, etc.   They aren't needed for many midrange receivers however.    

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#2 ramey70
Member since 2006 • 4002 Posts



1080p sets costs "thousands"? You can get very good quality Samsung 50" 1080p sets for about $1,500 now.


i have a sammy 50" DLP... i bought i over a year ago for $1,500 and that was a bargain...

please link the site that sells 1080p 50" sets for $1,500....

or tell me wheer, becasue ever circuit city and best buy i've been to have them upwards of $3,000


Sorry. I was $200 off.


wow...that's a great deal.... i stand corrected..

altho anyone with ANY a/v sense would not buy a tv from a website w/o seeing the display first hand....

but hey, good luck with that...

it begs the question tho: if they are this affordable and people are STILL not buying the ps3, what's the problem?

Well. someone can see the display first hand at a retail store like best buy..plus its amazon, so if you have any problems you get help.

About the PS3 question, there really are not many games out yet it sold 3 million to this date, I see it picking up the pace fall and winter 07.

for $1,500 you realy need to look at the same tv you're going to buy...

it's wise...;)


You'll have a tough time sharing that pearl of wisdom with the countless people at AVS who buy their sites from online merchants in user powerbuys.   Seeing the TV you're buying has no real advantage if your are serious about your home theater.  Anyone who is will spend $300 to $500 on a professional ISF calibration of the set, upon which if there is any defect it is covered by a warranty, which you probably wouldn't have been able to notice anyway in store conditions.   

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#3 ramey70
Member since 2006 • 4002 Posts



1080p sets costs "thousands"? You can get very good quality Samsung 50" 1080p sets for about $1,500 now.


i have a sammy 50" DLP... i bought i over a year ago for $1,500 and that was a bargain...

please link the site that sells 1080p 50" sets for $1,500....

or tell me wheer, becasue ever circuit city and best buy i've been to have them upwards of $3,000


Sorry. I was $200 off.


wow...that's a great deal.... i stand corrected..

altho anyone with ANY a/v sense would not buy a tv from a website w/o seeing the display first hand....

but hey, good luck with that...

it begs the question tho: if they are this affordable and people are STILL not buying the ps3, what's the problem?


Most people aren't gamers.  HDTV's are mainly purchased for sports viewing.  Btw, most people with any sense wouldn't buy a display from a retailer.  The lighting conditions in places such as Best Buy, Circuit City, etc. are horrendous, worse feeds, and in many cases are not calibrated by ISF professionals.   Your best bet is to view sets in a respectable brick and mortar store, tell the clerk you aren't interested, then go home and buy it from Amazon.  That's what I did with my 56" 1080p. :) 

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#4 ramey70
Member since 2006 • 4002 Posts


Im pro HD-DVD and all, but you guys know holographic storage devices are going to be comin out within a few years...right?Happyphilter


HVD is not and never will be a consumer media format.  It's not even being marketed for that use. 

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#5 ramey70
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1080p sets costs "thousands"? You can get very good quality Samsung 50" 1080p sets for about $1,500 now.


i have a sammy 50" DLP... i bought i over a year ago for $1,500 and that was a bargain...

please link the site that sells 1080p 50" sets for $1,500....

or tell me wheer, becasue ever circuit city and best buy i've been to have them upwards of $3,000


Sorry. I was $200 off.


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#6 ramey70
Member since 2006 • 4002 Posts



1080p sets costs "thousands"?  You can get very good quality Samsung 50" 1080p sets for about $1,500 now.   

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#7 ramey70
Member since 2006 • 4002 Posts

First of all. I have a vested interest in Blu-Ray. I work for Columbia. And second of all, it's not a trojan horse. It's a welcome addition thank you very much. I've noticed the only people against any HD formats are people that don't have a living room to call their own...


Sony promised to deliver the total high definition experience in my living room through ONE DEVICE. And combined with Location Free and my Grand WEGA. They brought the greatness. Now, I don't expect teenagers that live at home without HDTVs in their bedrooms to really get the whole picture. But if you were 14 like me when the original Playstation launched, you're expecting more than 'just another gaming machine.' Thanks for the progression Sony.


I'm 25 and I am a bank manager. I own my own home. I have a 60" 1080p television in my living room. I have a 42" 1080p television in my bedroom and a 32" 720p television in my kitchen. HD-DVD is MORE than enough for everyone out there including the audio/videophiles out there. I have had more of a positive experience overall with HD-DVD. Blu-ray does not off the same quality experience to the end user. Period. End of story. I feel like by allowing bluray to "win" the format war we are settling for second best. This comes from someone who has experienced both and from someone who understands the technology behind the two formats and their respective differences.

Quality is all video codec and the current blu ray disks use great ones and have great quality. Blu ray offers alot more for movie owners because it is a large format with room to grow. Currently HD DVD has little movie studio support so fewer movies release for it and it is currently using two layers just to keep up with blu rays one layer. That is not what I wanna see from a new format I am gonna adopt.

You may be content with HD DVD but i love movies and most of the studios support Blu ray and most of the movies go to blu ray, HD DVD is very limited and is far from a leap ahead. Blu ray is far from second best.

Bluray does not offer as good of an end user experience as HD-DVD does. The only reason that Sony is getting the support that they have is because Sony has all those studio's in their pocket. They are not doing so because they know that Bluray is better. They are doing it because it is the easy thing to do and it puts money in their pocket. Those that have used both technologies and go in with an objective attitude know how good HD-DVD is.


What are you talking about?  Why is HD-DVD better?  I have a PS3 and an HD-A1.  Love them both.  Both formats are fantastic and if the transfer is good, encoded correctly, and the source content is great they are pretty much equal.  Buying from Amazon the price question is pretty much nill as well.  

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#8 ramey70
Member since 2006 • 4002 Posts

How can HD-DVD lose with great Universal movies like Because I Said So, Smokin' Aces and Let's Go to Prison? :lol:


And the Playstation 3 is a GREAT Blu-Ray player. What, it's second rate because of no IR? Pfft.


The only reason why Sony fanboys want Bluray to win the format war is so that it makes the PS3 the dominant console. That is bull. I think it is complete crap that Sony is using the PS3 as a trojan horse for bluray. The technology is NOT useful in the slightest over HD-DVD. The extra space can't be used to store higher quality video. Only extras, but how many extras do you want? Are the movie companies going to have to go out of their way to make extra extras just to fill the 50GB capacity. Where does it end?

How about when theres an HD signal beyond 1080P???


Do you Honestly Think 1080P is gonna pinnacle for HD viewing forever???? :roll:

It won't be, but Bluray will not be able to play higher than 1080p. Ever.


Why do you say that?  Bluray is just a storage medium.  You could play 1080p content off a CD if you wanted to.  It would just be a very short video.  

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#9 ramey70
Member since 2006 • 4002 Posts
That's not exactly what I would call an unbiased site, especially since they don't take figures from Nielsen-Videoscan data. 
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#10 ramey70
Member since 2006 • 4002 Posts
Is there a chance Bethesda makes Fallout 3 available for consoles?