ramey70's forum posts
[QUOTE="Ocelot_basic"] Aren't the scalers in most newer HDTVs better than what an upscaling dvd player/ xbox 360/ ps3 could do? Even though my PS3 doesn't upscale, I don't notice a quality difference between it and my 360. I believe this is because no matter what my TV displays in 1080p (samsung HLS-6187). Crazy87
no your tv does not upscale it its at 1080p at the menu and on blu-ray movies and games that are 1080p dvds are 480p pop in a dvd and click info on your tv and see if it says 1280x480p or 1920x1080p
You misunderstood what he said. He is right in that everything that his TV displays is in 1080p. Fixed pixel displays like his (and LCD's and Plasmas) are only capable of displaying their native resolution. In order to display other resolutions like 720p or 1080i they must be either downscaled, upscaled and/or either de-interlaced depending on the native resolution of the TV. To do this HDTV's do have their own scalers. However, (and this is where he was mistaken) most lack in quality and an external scaler is preferred. When you click on the info it's merely showing you what the input feed is.
[QUOTE="honestAB3"]I love HD, we can now see all the imperfections of the 'perfect' actors/actresses haha :P-Sir-Poof-
Yea jack nicholson is all wrinkly...lol
You can also see that he has blue eyes, in the DVD you can't.
[QUOTE="Prince_Denspion"]Impressive visuals, now how does Blueray compare to them?
Dang I need an HDtv to fully enjoy my PS3/Blueray player.
For "The Departed" The HD-DVD version looks better, even though they use the same codec.
I hate that earlier Blu-Ray movies used the MPEG-2 codec...what a waste.
Ya, that MPEG-2 really hurt Crank's PQ right?
[QUOTE="True_Gamer_"]The father of one of my flatmates was in China for business and since my flatmate wanted to buy an external hard drive he told him that he foudn one at $100 that had the astronomic capacity of 1TB!!!
Now consider the above price before you spout $840 construction costs for PS3...
Shouldn't we also consider that most of us don't live in China and right now you would never find any such deal here? Nice score by your friend though...
Or the fact that the PS3 uses a notebook hardrive.
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="snyper1982"][QUOTE="ramey70"]Video gaming is a hobby. And even with the PS3 at $600 it represents a very cheap hobby. I can't think of many hobbies where the most high-end piece of equipment is $600.
You must not have your thinking cap on then....
I'll name 3 that I'm very familiar with.
Golf $300 for a driver, $500 woods, $400 for irons, $150 putter, $50 bag. That's $1,400 for high-end equipment.
Tank $100, BCD $350, $250 regulator, $150 fins, $75 mask. That's $925 for mid to high end equipment.
Mountain biking
Easily over $1,000 for a high end mountain bike.
Well if you want high end for gaming then you better start pricing out the 6-7K HDTV's, and $10,000 receivers... Etc. You can't just name the PS3 as the only part, when you are comparing it to the total package of the other hobbies. Faulty logic my friend.
The HDTV and system would not be required high end equipment. If that were true then you could also add things to the other hobbies like a $10k golf cart, $8,000 trip to the Red Sea for diving, and a $20,000 trail lease in colorado for biking.
Don't forget that to play in HD you need a Sony branded HDMI cable.kodex1717
That's simply not true.
[QUOTE="ramey70"]Video gaming is a hobby. And even with the PS3 at $600 it represents a very cheap hobby. I can't think of many hobbies where the most high-end piece of equipment is $600.
You must not have your thinking cap on then....
I'll name 3 that I'm very familiar with.
Golf $300 for a driver, $500 woods, $400 for irons, $150 putter, $50 bag. That's $1,400 for high-end equipment.
Tank $100, BCD $350, $250 regulator, $150 fins, $75 mask. That's $925 for mid to high end equipment.
Mountain biking
Easily over $1,000 for a high end mountain bike.
[QUOTE="ramey70"]Video gaming is a hobby. And even with the PS3 at $600 it represents a very cheap hobby. I can't think of many hobbies where the most high-end piece of equipment is $600.
So tell me, what games are worth playing on the Ps3? if gaming is your hobby, your missing on all the better games on the 360.
I have a 360 also.
[QUOTE="Gears360"][QUOTE="accameron"]What is this world coming to? And don't tell me to play movies- freaking blu-ray players will be like $300-400 come next Christmas. Darthmatt
dude.....in many parte od}f the worlld the PS3 is like 800-900
and you thought americans had it bad
In most pasts of the world $600 is a yearly salary. $600 is way to much for a game system. But then again I do know people who spend over a $1000 on guitars. What a world.
In addition to gaming I also golf and scuba dive. I just spent $400 on a new driver and $350 on a regulator. Most hobbies are expensive. Gaming is no different.
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