Video gaming is a hobby. And even with the PS3 at $600 it represents a very cheap hobby. I can't think of many hobbies where the most high-end piece of equipment is $600.
Video gaming is a hobby. And even with the PS3 at $600 it represents a very cheap hobby. I can't think of many hobbies where the most high-end piece of equipment is $600.
closer to $650 after taxes, i remember when consoles were just $200 at the most, this is ridiculous
When you adjust for inflation most consoles debuted above the $200 mark.
In other breaking news WORLD WAR 2 HAS ENDED!!!
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="PS3_3DO"][QUOTE="asdasd"]100 bucks isnt alot of money unless you're like 13.
If you don't have any bills to pay than yes $100 isn't a lot. :(
Again, if $100 can affect your ability to pay bills you don't need to be playing video games.
Nice try Fanboy.
First off it's not $100 like you try to spin it. It's the $100 different from the versions. The price is $100 you mentioned plus $500 for the PS3 plus tax. That's a lot for let's say a single mother that has a certain budget for christmas or a birthday for her son or sons. Stop being a demeaning human being by talking about people the way you guys do like people are cheap and poor or whatever. And your spin job of trying to say $100 is the problem in pricing is laughable.
You see this is why the Wii is doing so well. That same single mother can but a Wii for $250 plus tax and it comes with a game for her kids. And she doesn't have to spend so much just to play one game on a PS3. Or a 360 if that pricing is to high for too even with all the bundles out with the Premium model now.
You missed the earlier post this was referring to when PS-3DO claimed that the $100 difference would keep him from buying a PS3. And yes, I do know what I'm talking about. I'm a risk assessment officer for a mortgage lender. I judge people's financial situations for a living.
[QUOTE="asdasd"][QUOTE="PS3_3DO"][QUOTE="fuzzysquash"][QUOTE="PS3_3DO"]Because Sony didn't give any notice that they were going to do this. Anyone here that has a 20gb PS3 do they feel betrayed by Sony?PS3_3DO
No, because they could have bought the 60 gig back then too.
They're probably happy that they bought the 20 gig, because that's the model which is no longer available.
I was going to get the 20gb PS3 sometime this summer but now I have will have to wait longer to save more money. :(
100 bucks isnt alot of money unless you're like 13.
If you don't have any bills to pay than yes $100 isn't a lot. :(
Again, if $100 can affect your ability to pay bills you don't need to be playing video games.
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="themyth01"][QUOTE="fuzzysquash"][QUOTE="PS3_3DO"][QUOTE="fuzzysquash"][QUOTE="PS3_3DO"][QUOTE="ROCK303"][QUOTE="PS3_3DO"]But teh elite ! I think Sony and Microsoft made all of us fans look like fools this month.Sony just gave everyone who bought a 20gb PS3 the shaft.
Everyone knew the Elite was coming because of IPTV.
You haven't answered my question. How has Sony given 20gig PS3 owners the shaft? The console still plays the same games, still has an HDD, still plays blu-ray movies, and still has HDMI. It's got all the same functionalities as the 60 gig, save for an extra 40gig's and wifi.
Dropping the 20gig model in no way shafts current owners of the 20gig.
I would feel a little bit annoyed if a had a 20gb PS3. I mean if Sony can drop that version so easy what's next on their list not including a controller with the PS3 60gb model.
I'm sorry, I can't make any sense out of your argument. :?
You seem way off tangent from your original point.
Let me offer my opinion on what I think he's refering to. Since Sony is trying to cut losses, and they already sell a console without the necessary cables for HD gameplay, or a remote control or headphones and they have cut production of the lower-end version still to keep cutting losses, could they try and go further? I don't see how they can cut losses anymore without hurting the customer on the deal.
It's not a loss cutting move. It's a revnue maximization move. When you combine the poors sales of the unit with the higher cost per unit it's a no brainer to get rid of it. We get it. You hate Sony. You want to see a PS3 fail. Don't worry, it probably won't come out "on top" this generation and you'll get your medal from Nintendo or Microsoft for standing tall and fighting the battle here on system wars.
Sorry I hurt your feelings if I offended Sony, really I am.
I think you missed the part where I clearly pointed out that I own and enjoy both the 360 and the PS3. In fact if you look at an earlier post of mine from today you'll notice that I said I use the PS3 mainly for a Bluray player and do most of my gaming on the 360.
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