@lance_7. Thats B.S. If you are going to buy the game a day or two after release there is no point in buying the game used. I buy used games from 25$ to 40$ dollars all the time. I often find the price to be around 35$ dollars. Sure, if people are having that much trouble it would probably be best to save your money but at the same time I believe those people have the right to lose themselves in a hobby just the same as you and I. Have you ever even bought a used game? 80% of the time its much less then 55$.
Another thing they seem to be ignoring is the fact that just because I buy a game used does not mean I would have bought it new. Game Devs are becoming more and more out of touch with thier consumers. With the current economy and the fact many people don't have enough money to feed their children let alone pay 60 dollars for a game. Yet, all these Devs care about is the fact somone played thier game without giving them the max amount of money possible. I find it disgusting actually, 60 dollars for a product that is more often then not worth the money and they still have the gull to whine and cry because they are not making more money.
@jelifish19 That is a given and I agree but are you really saying there is no difference between Game Devs and Movie Directors? Or Devs and Authors? There is a major difference, with Authors and Directors there is a sense they would be doing this no matter what because this is what they love to do. With Game Devs I get the sense they want it both ways, respect me like you would any other artists but at the same time my main goal is to get as much money from the consumer as possible.
Its funny I am sure almost all game Devs consider themselves "artists" and talk about their product like it is art in the interviews and preview articles we all read. Here is the thing though its not art if your only goal is making as much money as you possible can. You would never see a director complaining that someone bought their movie and then watched it with a group of friends. They would be happy a new group of people were able to see their art and that maybe they have earned a few new fans who will pay attention when they release something in the future. Not so with game devs, they talk about their games like they love them and try as hard as they can to make us see their games as more then a product but at the end of the day its very clear to me that most if not all only care about the bottom line. Everything else, is just a means to an end to reach this bottom line. So while in the interviews they talk about these games like their children its all BS. They make the consumer pay the max amount they can get away with, make content that is held back for more money, and then cry like a baby when the consumer does buy their game new and support their "art" so they can make more "art". Give me a break.
Its messed up and its never going to get better because we preorder games we are interested in so we don't feel like we missed anything, I am just as guilty as the next guy but I do try and only preorder games that I feel have earned the right. For example Dark Souls or Mass Effect 3. I should think harder before I preorder games like Kingdoms of Amalur in the future.
Trailers and gameplay footage are two different things. If you want to see how the game plays then find some gameplay footage. Trailers are another artistic way for a game to present itself or establish themes and motifs. Just get people psyched for the game by presenting it in another medium.
Ill say this too. In any other medium a happy happy save the world and everyone I love ending would be seen as cliche, cheap, generic and unrealistic but apparently thats what the majority of Mass Effect fans want. Cheap, regurgitated fluff made for kids. Why would a series that has prided itself on mature and unique story telling take a cheap and easy cop out?
I am so damn tired of everyone complaining about the ending. Not everyone has finished the damn game, its selfish and immature and the ending has been ruined for everyone not by Bioware but by all the crybabies.
@judahstarguy What an idiot you are. So because the game gives you the option to pursue same sex relationships its "champion (your words) your homosexuality" Give me a break both same and different sex options are there neither one is presented over the other. Also, it makes complete sense that in a much more advanced society homosexuality would not be a problem. If you don't want to use the option don't but its ignorant and selfish to expect a game played by thousands to confirm to your narrow and archaic views on sexuality.
@cachinscythe Yeah I am basically arguing the same point as you. Just maybe in a different way. My comment "how can we expect others to recognize video games as art if we don't ourselves" is meant to question the way our community views games. We only look at it as a product, we pay for so the devs must meet our every demand. This is so different from other forms of art where the audience looks at the product as peice of art that was made by a real person who has an artistic vision.
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