Counter Strike.
rctyke's forum posts
Don't worry, letterboxing is normal, the movie that you are watching is preserving the Theatrical aspect ratio and is presented to your home Theater (this case it is High definition), but if you want to see more movies filling the screen, look at the back of the box at aspect ratio. You likely rented movies that had a 2.35:1 aspect ratio, so look for movies that have a 1.85:1 or 1.78:1 (the aspect of your HDTV) and you wont see much of the letterboxing, while still preserving the way it looked at the theater, keep in mind not all of these movies have it, as the majority ofmovies thatgamers are interested are in the 2.35:1 ratio. There is also the 1.33:1 ratio (the aspect you had with your older TV)that was used in older movies (those released before 1953), and most TV shows that are not presented in High def, blu rays such as Casablanca and Pinnochio use this aspect ratio.
Try some games from Ubisoft (they are a french company afterall), or try a foreign game, or movie.
I liked that part, it made it a more memorable experience.
Grand Theft Auto 4 or Warhawk.
Pro Skater 3 was the best of the series.
Games: Little big Planet, Rock Band, Metal Gear Solid 4, Call of Duty, Warhawk are some good picks.
Blu ray: Ratatouille, No Country for Old Men, I robot, Wall E, Pirates of the Caribbean, Dark City, The Dark Knight, Digital Video Essentials: HD basics, The Godfather Trilogy,and Pinocchio are some great picks.
This is an Opinion and I do enjoy some JRPG's, butalot ofthem are redundant, many are terrible storytellers and have poornaratives, or make an overly epic story that turns out convulted, and basically they do things for you, you don't have to do anything, it is almost as watching an overlenghted battle sequence, where man children or children trying to act tough jump back and forth on monsters (that apparently also attack you). I believe american players want to go to events without being limited by the narrative or the gameplay. The reason I can be eager to play one is their characterization, I always prefer playing them (or watching Anime in general) for their colorful and sometimes imaginative or witty characters. I enjoy the sitcom/ family melodramacharacterization (Animes such asTenchi muyo and comic party), rather than the forced action and convulted mythology (Too many animes I could think of, unfortunately Tenchi muyo suffers that sometimes).
I did enjoy playing Fallout 3, but I think it appeals to gamers more into Final Fantasy or Grand Theft Auto than Call of Duty or Halo. I did prefer using the V.A.T.S. combat system than using regular gunplay, but to the guy that said about shooting at close distances, can you reallybe able to get a headshot 100 feet away or even 20 feet? If you ever held a firearm before, it requires an extreme amount of attention to get a precise shot and you will have to adjust the sight to line up. Plus to get your shot, can you be able to do it while you run around? Fallout 3 is a better simulation of howa person would handle a firearm than that of most shooters, including Call of Duty and Socom. I do enjoy playing shooters, don't get me wrong, but that is what I believe.
The Samsung SP-A900B 1080p projector, the updatedSP-A800B projector diesigned by Joe Kane (creator of digital video essentials), hopefully using the latest Darkchip 4 technology (The SP-A800B used dark chip 2), and a cheaper price (The SP-A800B cost $10,000, far, farabove my budget), but hey, we can dream, huh?
As for games, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. As long as Infinity Ward is developing.
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