So much stupidity and bitterness in these comments. Yes, we all know that MS didn't do it out of their own good hearts and there's definetely a catch behind that move that would benefit them. So yeah, news flash ppl, you're not the smart ones. What amazes me though is that very few ppl had actually stepped back for a second and just imagined how such a feature, despite the motives behind it, would be beneficial for those that actually matter:us, the gamers. But sure, why do that? Stay inside your favourite closed networks, worship your gods and just storm in here to show off your c^*#s and be the deranged fanboys(of either Sony or MS it doesn't matter) you are. But is that what passes as "cool" nowadays? To just plainly hate and coplaining on everything?
@orochipunisher: I agree with you though i haven't played any of them:P. Destiny is more my thing too with one bit of disagreement: i do prefer 3d person over 1st person, especially in rpgs/mmos(or mmo-ish in Destiny's case) where you get to build your own character. I was never remotely interested in The Division but i'm on the fence for sometime now for Destiny. We'll see.
It really saddens me that even this day with the comic book format becoming a huge mainstream phenomenon ppl still feel itchy to say "comic book". No matter what fancy word you try to hide behind, a "graphic novel" is still a comic book. Deal with it.
On topic, this is great news. Though i don't know anyone of these creators(except Alex Irvine) another opportunity to expand the Halo universe is always welcome. Plus Dark Horse has a tradition of usually delivering.
@vfighter: KI is coming to PC too. And Rare Replay is one of the best things i got for the XB1. It's a great value especially for the price it's going on right now. I would give that money just for the Perfect Dark games but i found a lot of others gems in that collection. If you remotely enjoy playing retro games it's tons of fun and a must buy imo.
@silversix_: Only the first one. Like the first 2 Halo games. But from 2007 onwards none of these series has come to PC. Me? I don't really care. I hope they do. The more ppl that get to play them the better.
@silversix_: Wouldn't hold my breath. It seems that MS's policy the last 10 years is that every game for the XB1 will also come to PC at some point EXCEPT Halo And Gears games. Will that change? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
@wookiegr: Big guess? After GOW 3 with Anya. But you're asking a question that nobody knows the answer right now and will probably be axplained in the new game.
@Thanatos2k: I'm pretty sure that every major rpg that came out during the XB1's lifespan so far has been ported to the console. DA:I, Witcher 3, Lords of the Fallen. And there are more coming: Dark Souls 3, Deus Ex:MD, ME Andromeda. Unless you have a different definition of rpg or you're talking about exclusives.
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