@Thanatos2k: If a single game's ending ruined the entire series for you then you clearly didn't enjoy the trilogy as much as you think you did. Food for thought.
@themacaster96: They didn't say they won't do it like ever so technically they won't be lying. What they're clearly saying is they don't wanna do it "right now" because it will distract ppl from ME:A which is kinda logical from a bussines prespective. My belief is that we'll see the ME Trilogy being remastered down the road, just not anytime soon. I'd actually prefer them too to concetrate on making Andromeda the best game possible at this point, rather than rehashing old content.
@ember_to_flame: Nicely said. I believe that 90% of the ppl that bash ME3's endings are either the usual trolls that follow the general hate that flows on the internet incapable of forming their own opinions or ppl that have no idea what a true scifi ending should be like.
Game looks neat but what's with the costume? Why do they keep messing with the classics? (*cough* Injustice *cough*). If it ain't broke, don't fix it damn it!
@mari3k: Exactly the same thought. I've played it, it's really fun but still i don't think it deserves a 60$ price tab. The heroes are cool and diverse and it's a blast to try them out but at the end of the day the game is still an online-only arena shooter with 3 modes. I don't see much in terms of longevity as far as i'm concerned. Maybe if it was at 20$(?)
@cvfan: That's probably because these 5 members were distinct in that they were called by names and were donning their own set of armor which is what this article is about. Your character, Noble 6, wasn't called by name and you could customize and outfit him/her as you lvld up. So i guess that's why the sixth member, the playable one, was left out.
@phoenixvanguard: I don't know which creators you're reffering to but it is known that the dev studio behind the Metroid Prime trilogy, Retro Studios, is working on a new game right now which i'd say it's a safe bet that it'll be for the NX. Now if it's a Metroid game or something entirely different is anybody's guess. But most ppl(including me) are hoping that this is the case. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.....
Wow, the obsession today's gamers have with processing power is stunning. All they ask from Nintendo is "moar powaaah". So many ppl missing the point, it's sad. I guess they haven't learned their lesson from some extremely high detailed but completely blund and souless games from the current gen, yet.
Keep asking for more powerful gpus and cpus from your consoles if you want. But at least have the dignity to not fill the internet with your nerd rage for every SW: Battlefront, Order 1886 or Ryse that comes out.
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