nice post but thats not the reason. i am just tired of having to say the same thing over and over. plus the weather is nice over hear now so i am playing basketball now so i will see you guys in the fall. have a great summer. getset did you ever make it to Spain for the weekend? if so what are some hot spots to check out over there. i am goingh abroad this summer with my old lady( i hope she doesnt see that ). and spain is definitely on the list as well as Amsterdam, (wink wink.) i can smell it already. i will check back to see if you respond but i gotta run
getsetgo i have a question for you, why are you so jaded with Sony, did u get fired by them or something. i am seeing a pattern with u and the PS3. it is straight biased you wont give an inch even in the face of facts.
you have to wait too, i dont even get your point with that, you had to wait a year for one good game. and you are still waiting for everything you are speaking on. so again whats your point? and just for the record resistance and Gears of war are not even the same genre, and for the record resistance is one of the best FPS' s on a console. if you aint feeling it you are hating. sworder for some strange reason i dont believe you, cant put my finger on it, i just dont, that last statement sounded like BS. and for the record gears is a cluncky mess to me and it is stiff as hell. but it does have some pretty graphics though. i guess it is getting to the point where we are just going back and forth with the same old, i say the sky is blue 360 fanboys say it is green. it is what it is. i like my system and will continue to enjoy it in the future thats for u getsetgo lol.
heads up to all PC and 360 users. shivering isle expansion has a game breaking glitch. some where around 150 hrs of gameplay. i believe they say they have a patch for the PC version but no word on the 360. so if you havent got the expansion pack i would say hold off for a sec and see when they will patch the 360 version. just for the gaming community i think it would suck to loose that much invested time in a character just to have to start from scratch no matter what system you play on.
dude thats the same problem the PS3 had, it was well publisized globally we all know this. i never heard about the shortages with the 360. not saying it didnt happen just didnt hear about it. no that wont make them the market leader "once and for all". they just came up positive for that qtr finally thats all that was. every analyst are already said by next year the PS3 will catch and pass the 360 in sales. but in your defense they are also saying that all three systems will have about a third of the market. i will give you the future thing( if it all ended tomorrow yeah you would benefit but not by much i have 18 good to great games for the PS3, most are on the 360 too so i dont really feel left out in the cold). but in my defense everything that has been thought of or created had something to do with looking to the future how else do you explain growth and new technology. if your idea was the norm we would still be playing pong. i do live in the present and i do make the most of it but it is nice to have a sweet future to get excited about, one last point when you bought a 360 didnt you think about all the games that would be coming out for it Halo 3 is in the future and until tomorrow so is Forza, you can use that to make points but we cant. come on brother dont be a hypocrite.
getsetgo check out the new gameinformeer mag. it has some interesting atrticles in it. and just for the record. the PS3 outsold the PS1, PS2 , Xbox and getready getset the 360 by 50,000 units in its first three months. horrible launch i know. the PS3's biggest comp right now is the PS2 which still outsold everything this past qtr. and i do have the patients of a saint when its worth it. thats straight from the analysts. title of the article "has the PS3 already lost?" answer at the end of the article no it hasnt. with the most expensive price point of any console in history it still outsold all the big hitters out of the gate. Sony knows exactly what they are doing. no more about that now it is done. find some more material. as far as games we are all getting about the same games across the platforms minus a few exclusives for each camp, Sony is just playing catch up for now because it was late to the party. the PS3 is doing fine for all the PS fans out there. rest easy.
PS3 has upscaling now. all PS2 and PS1 games and dvd movies can be upscaled to 1080p\1080i\720p resolution. wow the old PS2 games are going to be sick. RE4, Samurai warriors etc. damn the PS3's library just got huge.
i agree resistance was a good game. i still play it from time to time on the harder difficulties it is still very challenging, and split screen with a friend is alot of fun especially after a blunt or 2. online was a little loose but i think its just the people online that made it that way , kinda like socom was with certain groups of people. i also agree that 8-8 should be the standard for online matches. they didnt have a sprint button for those big guys in GOW? lol. jac you pose a good question i wonder if the programmers really do listen to the beta testers. has any one tried out the Halo 3 beta? whats the word on that? ninja gaiden sigma is supposed to drop next month, i fell in love with the game all over again and i like all the new enemies on the very hard difficulty. cant quite finish it yet. i think DMC 4 is also dropping in june. can u save data from the demos for the 360? and the Marine saying is supposed to be a sarcastic remark FYI. we had a saying to when i was in the desert " Dont run you'll just die tired " fellas have a great and safe weekend.
is the pace of the 4 on 4 multi good for the type of gameplay or do you think it would work better with more people. i would think it would be kind of uneventful with such a small number of players. are the boards designed for four players?
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