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Edited By reeco411

dont know the specs required by the game but you should be alright. you could bump up your ram though. that will only help

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Edited By reeco411

Haze: Halo Killer? it could be. it looks pretty impressive, and its exclusive, thats what sony needs to do. its cool to port games but you really need those exclusives to set yourself apart from the competition.

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Edited By reeco411

from what i am hearing GTA4 is the first game to cause that problem. cant fit on one DVD. PS3 version only one disk. so it does help some, at least i wouldn't have to change disk. nothing major but it could be a slight inconvenience.

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Edited By reeco411

whats good bear

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Edited By reeco411

isnt it interesting how the media has us getting at each other over something we are not getting paid for. just hear me out for a second, these so called " experts" are comparing reports about a system that just came out with a system that has been out for a year longer. it not even logical. if the tables were turned it would be the other way around all the reports would say the PS3 is wiping the floor with the 360 in sales. question for anyone who knows: if the 360 has sold around 8 - 10 million in an year and a half and the PS3 has sold around 3-4 million in 6 months i would have to say the PS3 is right on track so how is the PS3 not doing well. now thats a fact not an opinion. its like everyone has it in for Sony like we have beef with Japan or something. i havent heard anything like that since WWII. "buy American" like some propaganda machine. as a consumer i feel like damn give the machine a chance to catch its stride. i think peoples expectations were higher than Sony's. nothing is going any different than any other launch of a system. the PS3 is a solid console with alot of potential and it will get realized, everybody hating on it is mad at the price point ( lets keep it real). the games are on par with MS ( barring FEAR ). online service is a different story, its functional but not nearly as fleshed out as Live. any body i know that has got a chance to really sit down and play the PS3 will tell u its a good machine. paullondon is the perfect example he bought and tried it and said himself that it is a good console( the bluetooth is wierd at times no doubt ). i think all judgement should be reserved until you get a hands on experience. until then you are just tossing BS around and thats a fact. here is another example, this artist i know named Govmatic( Redmans producer) comes thru to work on music everynow and then he said himself that he wasnt going to get one until he saw it in action now he is getting one. stop hating so hard its a great console and if you had one i think you would agree.

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Edited By reeco411

all that wasnt for you tat2dchad just the first sentence. the rest was for getsetgo, after all the debates we have had he still thinks the same.

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Edited By reeco411

tat2chad i agree. they are ports and rushed ports at that. so under the circumstances i would have to say they did a damn good job with little time and knowledge of the new system. my problem with the 360 is not the games or the graphics it does great on both i just dont trust the system itself, i heard to many horror stories from friends and family and outside sources. i gave my Xbox to my brother instead of getting rid of it because i liked the xbox and i can still play it once in awhile, and all the crossover games i had on the Xbox instead of the PS2 because they looked and played a little better so booo!!! to the fanboy thing, i am a tech fanboy not a particular system fanboy. i think the Wii is a great novelty system just dont like the look of the games, and they still havent quite worked out the kinks in the controller department, but Zelda is pretty amazing. and i know this sounds silly but i dont like the look of the 360 its ugly to me. looks like a crushed shoe box. but that is purely cosmetic. great games great graphics to many problems and add ons. that is why i dont want a 360 not because of sony, PS3 wasnt out when the 360 dropped.

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Edited By reeco411

getset ahhh well. you know i am not a fan boy, i didnt say all the games looked better or maybe i worded that wrong. def PGR3 is outrageous looking. GT4 looks great to just not an arcade style racer. just stating my opinions and some facts. you kind of reiterate my points about graphics and gameplay. not knocking the 360 just countering some invalid "facts" that were getting thrown around. and i just said that for now no one knows what the potential of these systems are its still to early. but like i said before. you cant live in the past you have to prepare for the future, with that i think Sony has a better game plan. just my opinion not a fact. see you soon getset

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Edited By reeco411

jac494 you made a few good points but i have to disagree with some: 1. sony always has a plan, they have been around for a long time and have the money to take a "loss". 2. every company that releases a new console is going to loose money, its just part of the game. 3. there are some games even ports that look a little better or even play better on the PS3( oblivion, fight night round 3 and NBA 2k7 look and play better and even Madden 07 plays better on the ps3( looks about the same. since the system is only 6 months old thats not too bad. 4. the PS3 has already passed what the PS2 sold at the same point in its lifecycle. 5. both systems had rocky launches( 360 owners seem to forget al the problems they had when that dropped). 6 360 first gen games dont hold a candle to PS3 first gen games( COD2 look at COD3 big improvement ( before you say its on the 360 too let me say again launch title). 7. you mention the amount of games in production and out for both systems about 450 for 360- 250 for PS3 lets not forget the 360 is almost 2 yrs old now. the PS3 will be fine. nobody knows the potential of what either system can do yet bottom line is you cant really compare fairly a system thats new to one thats been out for a while. 360 is ahead for now but the playing field will be leveled soon and then we can really get in to this but for now still to many unknowns.

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Edited By reeco411

remember the turbo grafix. it was supposed to be the next big thing when it came out. it had a great graphics proccessor but the rest was still 8 bit at best. point is if you upgrade the graphics and not the game play what is really next gen about it. as gimicky and silly as some of the sixaxis supported games using it ,it is still trying to move forward, it may catch on and it may not but the effort was there. the Wii took a different approach they went for a whole different demagraphic. I think MS may have missed some of that they went for the just bigger and better approach with the 360. Sony and Nintendo are looking to change things not just make them better looking. Blue Ray was a risk no doubt but it is catching on fast, so much so that MS said them selves that they will make a Blue Ray player for the 360 at about $200. i can agree with MS about choice but to charge that kind of money for the extras is beat . update on FEAR it doesnt look that good on any platform but definitely looks the worst on the PS3, why? (i think laziness) but the gameplay is on the money. i havent tried it online yet. resistance to me is still the top shooter for now. and easily matches with gears of war. maybe it doesnt look as gritty but have ever seen so much sh*t going on in a room or outdoors and it doesnt even hiccup. point being graphics arent everything ( dont get me wrong they do help alot but not that important ). i am not hating on the 360 but a pretty chick with no personality is only good for fun for a little while. now a chick that looks just as good with alot more to offer thats the one you are going to keep. just my analogy on this issue. and i have said it as well the PS3 is built for longevity not for just right now. cant live only for today gotta plan for the future. thats my opinion.