are they finally going to wrap up the story? it does look good though( the first 2 looked good also). did any one hear about HAZE yet? i think it might be great competition for Halo 3. it really looks good.
real funny we could do this for a year straight. for the record it has nothing to do with the cybernet. i would tell you to your face, but it really doesnt matter. the chance that i would ever get to cross paths with you is slim. so i apologize to everyone hear for my post, i let him get me out of pocket. tat2 thanks for the tension breaker, and i agree lets get back to the games.
getsetgo first of all it wasnt a joke and second of all i didnt say i wanted to smack you i wanted to punch in other words knock you out. i got 10 years of boxing under my belt dude ,military training and martial arts so i think i can handle myself. i made it through a war, you are not a problem for me. and if i did hit u u wouldnt be standing there period. i dont underestimate any one i was just letting you know how i felt about your comment. i spent 2 and a half years over seas and i have yet to run into a Brit that could handle me. when i was 19 over in England i was knocking you boys out all the time cause you all like to talk alot. please dude give me a break. and to be honest i have never made any assumptions about you i just respond to what you say sometimes. and just a side note to your second sentence, i have been handling things and people i know nothing about my whole life and im still here so whats your point, do you make it a habit of fighting people you know?
but on the other hand you blatantly disrespected and insulted me. you called me someones pet. FYI if i could touch you you would be in bad shape for that one but since i cant i will have to eat that one. but that is my whole point you have to stop insulting and disrespecting people thats not what we are here for. oooo i would really like to punch u dead in the mouth for that, if that was supposed to be a joke it wasnt very funny.
its a figure of speech here in the states, i didnt insult you. if i say someones my boy it just means friend. and i did say you have a right to your opinion. i'm just saying ease up a little bit. can you dig that
wow things have gotten real interesting while i was away. i see getsetgo is still at it. peasants??? getsetgo how much do you make in a year. do you have a HD TV or SD? dog you have to stop insulting people here. i agree you have a right to your own opinion but insulting folks is a whole other ballgame. i thought we were supposed to be debating and sharing info on the web but you take it to another level. paullondon please talk to your boy he is out of line.
getsetgo the 360 is a wannabe next-gen game/tivo recorder/non-HD-DVD playing system. the PS3 is the Media hub of your entertainment set up, thats what it was designed for and it does it very well. it plays games and cd's and movies- (DVD and Blue Ray), it stores three different memory types plus plays most of the PS1 and PS2 titles, has four USB input/outputs. i do word processing and work on my computer not on my PS3, i dont play games on my computer nor do i watch movies. maybe to you it is a PC but i guess that would depend on what you use your PC for.
dthrdr76 that wasnt directed towards you, that was for getsetgo who thinks perfect dark was better as a launch title than resistance. he must have bumped his head or something. i feel where you are coming from. are you in the states or over seas? we are getting alot from now until Christmas in the states i am not sure about the release dates in Europe, but rest assured they will be getting there soon.
isnt it funny how all the 360 fan boys dont like resistance fall of man. (one of the best FPS i have ever played and i love the genre). but they will say that peerfect dark was great. ( boo!!!!) thats biased nonsense no one in there right mind would agree with that. any way i think the consencous here is they both have alot to offer. both companies need tot ouch up their systems to make them better, but i think the PS3 has the longer lifespan. oh and GTA on Xbox 360 will have downloadable content to match the size of the PS3 version because of storage issue on DVD the Blue Ray disc can hold it on one disc. it is starting already, i am glad to see MS has found a temporary fix for the problem. but that is going to continue and only get worse. this is just the way i see it.
tat2dchad you are wasting your breathe on getsetgo. we have all given facts that have proved him wrong and he stillsays the same things, it useless he is totally biased towards the 360. i think he has a slight case of amnesia too( he forgot all that the 360 went through at launch ). he is becoming somewhat of a mascot around here. but anyway i would like to say i am fan of technology and i was going to buy a 360 ( i get all the systems that i think are worth it) i have had them all except for the NEO-GEO and gamecube. getsetgo i also had an Xbox which i enjoyed alot, any crossplatform games except for need for speed hot pursuit 2 were better on the Xbox, but Sony had the crazy exclusives and outside of Halo and Fable there was nothing else to seperate the 2 systems. so dont get me wrong when i defend my comments and my choices, its the way you bring your comments to others that pisses us off. nothing personal. my point is i didnt feel that the 360 was a secure buy when it came out. i heard to many negative things about it. then i got a chance to play it and it was loud sounding which really put me off, i felt that it sounded cheap and fragile. i admit i am biased toward the Sony controller but i have been using it for like 12 years now so it is what it is. point being when the PS3 came out i liked what i saw design wise it sounded sturdy and it felt solid, plus it had some nice extra bells and whistles so i put my money on that system. if the 360 really catches stride in the future adn MS can conivince me that i am making a sound buy i will get one because there will be great games on both systems, but right now MS seems to be backtracking alot about what they are trying to do with this system and i dont have the confidence with them right now. i got burned on the Saturn, the Jaguar and the dreamcast, so i am being more careful now.
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